If you have been bereaved or affected by suicide, there is help available and you do not have to be alone. This section includes information about how we can help and support available to people who have been bereaved by suicide.

We offer a range of support services for adults over 18, these are and are run by our volunteers, the majority of whom have been bereaved by suicide themselves. We also provide information through this site and our publications.

Our services can be accessed as often and for as long as you need them. It doesn't matter how long it has been since your bereavement happened or what your relationship was with the person who died. If you feel you have been affected by a suicide and you would like to talk about it, we are here. Suicide knows no social, ethnic or cultural boundaries and neither do we.

We know that we are all different and our circumstances are unique so we have included information about other organisations who provide different kinds of support, such as counselling, or who offer focus and expertise for particular communities or issues.

We are sorry but you cannot use our services if you are under 18 – find out more about organisations who are able to help you if you are younger than this. We do not take referrals from organisations or contact individuals without them contacting us first, but we will provide information to help agencies signpost to our support services.

Bereavement Feeling Suicidal Other Support

Those of us who have experienced this terrible tragedy truly understand. None of us need to suffer alone. Together we help each other.

We help individuals support each other, at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow. We aim to provide safe, confidential environments where people can share their experiences and feelings, giving and gaining support from each other.

Local & Virtual Groups

By entering your postcode or local town, you can locate your nearest peer to peer support group. We offer both face to face and virtual support groups. Our group facilitators have also been bereaved by suicide, so you will be met with understanding.

Phone Support

Call our national supportline to talk about your loss, get help on being impacted by suicide or for information. Our phones are answered by trained volunteers who have impacted by suicide, so will hear you with compassion and understanding.

Please contact 0300 111 5065, we are open everyday 9am-7pm

Email Support

Some people find it easier to write down their thoughts and feelings or ask for information when it might be difficult to pick up a phone. Like the Supportline, our Volunteers have experience of suicide bereavement.

Please contact email.support@uksobs.org

Online Forum

Our online community forum offers peer-to-peer support to those bereaved by suicide. Please click the image above to complete an application form to gain access to our forum. Forum applications will be approved within a couple of days. You must be over the age of 18 to access our forum.