How to choose mutual funds

E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley


Summary: Mutual funds offer diversification and asset allocation strategies to invest, but how do you choose amongst a multitude of options? Learn more about the various types and how their diversity can benefit your portfolio.

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Choosing a mutual fund can feel overwhelming. After all, there are thousands of funds you could buy. So where should you begin?

  • First, it’s important to know that every fund starts with a mission or investment goal called an objective. For example, some mutual funds focus on the stocks of large U.S. companies, while others might search for opportunities in international bonds.
  • It’s also important to note funds can be managed differently. When a fund is actively managed, each investment is carefully chosen and monitored by professional managers whose careers are devoted to researching investments and market trends. They can buy or sell investments depending on market conditions.
  • On the other hand, passively managed funds, such as index funds, aim to track (i.e., closely match), before expenses, the investments and performance of a market index such as the S&P 500. When the index is up, the fund goes up with it, but when the index is down the fund can fall just as far.

Even by itself, a single mutual fund provides a certain level of diversification.

Types of mutual funds

There are many types of mutual funds that you can use to start investing. Funds are organized into categories that are based on a range of factors, such as the kinds of assets the fund invests in, the fund’s objectives and its investing strategy. These will be outlined in the fund’s prospectus.

A fund’s category and specific strategy matter a great deal because each category has a different risk profile. You can choose a fund based on how it fits with your overall investment strategy. A mutual fund could include many types of investments or asset classes.

Here are the three most common:

  • Stock funds invest in company stocks, also known as equities. Stocks typically carry a greater amount of risk than bonds, since share values go up and down with a company’s profits and losses, as well as investor confidence in the company.
  • Bond funds hold less volatile investments like Treasury bonds, municipal bonds or corporate bonds. These are called “fixed income” investments, and they are generally less risky than stocks. But they’re also typically less likely to grow as much.
  • Money market funds invest in short-term bonds and cash-like investments. These may be the least risky, but their investors don’t expect big returns.

There are also funds that:

  • Invest in a combination of stocks, bonds or cash to provide a level of diversification.
  • Some even invest in other mutual funds. These “funds of funds” go by names like “asset allocation funds” or “target date funds.”

You may be familiar with target date funds because they are often the default option in an employer’s retirement plan. In that case, they're designed to adjust the mix of investments as you move closer to the date you plan to retire.

Finding the right mix

Even by itself, a single mutual fund provides a certain level of diversification. A stock fund, for instance, can be invested in many different companies. But it’s still invested in just one asset class (stocks). A balanced portfolio can provide diversification by investing in both stocks and bonds. Depending on your goals and circumstances, you may need to choose one or several funds to achieve a truly diversified portfolio.

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