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Anran Tu


[email protected]


Specializing in modern Chinese art and East Asian art, Anran Tu is a doctoral candidate of the PhD Program in Art History, Theory and Criticism at the University of California, San Diego. Her dissertation project, provisionally titled “Jin Cheng and the Knowledge of Chinese Art,” focuses on the works and practices of republican artist Jin Cheng (1878-1926) and considers how traditional Chinese painting attended to new fields of knowledge in the twentieth century. She is also working on projects about natural history education in modern China and the history of art exhibitions in early twentieth-century Beijing. Anran is broadly interested in topics at the interaction between art and science, the material culture of knowledge, and issues surrounding the transnational aspects of East Asian art. In 2021 she was awarded the Jeffrey Barlow Prize by ASPAC (Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast). She has also received fellowships from the Joseph Naiman Foundation, the Russell Foundation, and the Japan Foundation. Anran holds an MA in art history from the University of Alberta and the University of Edinburgh.

Photo of Anran Tu with a statue of a bear