Sun-Earth Selfie - related image preview

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Sun-Earth Selfie - related image preview

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92 KB - JPEG

Sun-Earth Selfie - related image preview

512 x 512
90 KB - JPEG

Sun-Earth Selfie - related image preview

512 x 512
93 KB - JPEG

Sun-Earth Selfie - related image preview

512 x 512
95 KB - JPEG

Sun-Earth Selfie

The STEREO A spacecraft looked back from the far side of the Sun to capture an image of Earth and Mercury.

Images from NASA STEREO and the Naval Research Laboratory SECCHI team. Caption by Mike Carlowicz, with assistance from Joe Gurman (NASA GSFC) and the SECCHI team (NRL).

Published February 10, 2015
Data acquired January 26 - 31, 2015

Earth from Afar