Satellite Eyes on Typhoon Dolphin - related image preview

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Satellite Eyes on Typhoon Dolphin - related image preview

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Satellite Eyes on Typhoon Dolphin - related image preview

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Satellite Eyes on Typhoon Dolphin - related image preview

2250 x 1919

Satellite Eyes on Typhoon Dolphin

While RapidScat measured the strength of Typhoon Dolphin’s winds, CloudSat captured a rare glimpse inside the storm’s eye.

NASA Earth Observatory image (top) by Jesse Allen, using CloudSat data provided courtesy of the CloudSat team at Colorado State University. NASA Earth Observatory maps (bottom) by Joshua Stevens, using RapidScat data from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Caption by Adam Voiland.

Published May 24, 2015
Data acquired May 16, 2015

Aqua > MODIS
CloudSat > CPR
ISS > RapidScat