
Elsa de Lyon

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Lady Elsa de Lyon
Resides: Shire of Montevale
Status: Deceased, October 20, 2016
Awards: Order of Precedence
Heraldry Needed
Award & Office Badges
Companion of the Order of the Silver Crescent Companion of the Order of the Maunche Companion of the Order of the Laurel
Seneschal Minister of Arts and Science


Many years ago a friend saw the Halloween costumes she made for her sons and said, "If you like making costumes, you should get involved with the SCA." She took the bait and the rest was history!!!

She joined the SCA in late 1991 - Raven got her involved mainly due to my sewing skills. The first activity she attended was an armor workshop in Waynesboro, PA. Following this, she participated in a Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet Demo in 1992.

Mundanely, she taught art for 35 years, with 16 years at middle school and the rest of my career was at the high school level. She taught for a local program for children called Arts Express every summer for many years, on many different subjects (2013's class was mask making). She was also an art merit badge counselor for Boy Scouts, and she was a Master Gardener outside of the SCA (but I enjoy discussions about historic gardening as well).


14th century French


Black Dragon Clan

Offices & Positions

  • Seneschal of the Shire of Montevale: October 2009 - January 2014
  • A & S Minister of the Shire of Montevale: 2001 - October 2004
  • Scribe, East Kingdom College of Scribes: 1999 - Death
  • Retainer to TRM Gregor IV and Kiena II: Shire Wars III and Pennsic 42

Event Staff

  • Co-autocrated
  • Co-feastocrat
  • Feastocrat / Head Cook for 3 events (including Boared with Winter, 2003; An Italian Schola in the Grand Tradition, October 2009)

She also helped at many events in the kitchen and elsewhere.

Projects & Publications

  • 2 Kingdom gifts
  • Pennsic Independent sign lettering
  • William Blackfox Nominee for Best Art, AS 36; Montevale Knightly Knews,Shire of Montevale (East), Chronicler Lady Mary of Montevale. Artwork on December 2001 cover.


Formerly Apprenticed to Mistress Kay Leigh Mac Whyte (Kayleigh McWhyte, aka Cellach Mac Faoitigh) and Mistress Brighid the Lymner prior to Kayleigh.
She was elevated to the Order of the Laurel on June 28, A.S. XLIX (2014) at Southern Region War Camp, in the Barony of Carillion, by Emperor Brennan and Empress Caoilfhionn.

Classes Taught

  • Spinning & fiber prep
  • Wound glass bead making
  • Lucet braiding
  • Carolingian lettering: Western Region Scriptorium (March 2012)
  • Calligraphy 101: Pennsic 36, 38, 40, 41, 42; Schola in the Meadow (Aethelmearc, August 2013); Siege of Glengary (Aethelmearc, September 2010)
  • Pennsic weed walks: Pennsic 42
  • Garb workshops
  • Limp bound journal making
  • History of spinning
  • Beginning Drop Spinning: Aethelmearc Academy (October 2010)
  • (4) 1 hour sessions at Aethelmearc Scribal Track (Pennsic 41, 2012 - includes Calligraphy 101); (1) 1 hour session at Aethelmearc Scribal Track (Pennsic 42, Calligraphy 101)

More Information

Scribing was one of her favorite things to do, with her first scroll being done for April, 1999, with many more made since then. She also enjoyed taking classes on just about any subject, and dabbled in many other arts, except the performing arts. Example of her work can be found at the East Kingdom Scribal Gallery and her Facebook page under Barbara J Peshkin (mundane name).

Album #1:

Collective works:


Other people's memories of the individual