Celebrating a decade of MUD Literary Club support for 'rank and file' writers at Adelaide Writers' Week

A large crowd of people gather under trees to watch some people sitting on a stage.

The inaugural MUD Literary Prize was awarded at the 2018 Adelaide Writers' Week. (Supplied: Adelaide Festival)

It is rare that arts philanthropists enter the limelight, but one such mob with a focus on literature is about to take centre stage at Adelaide Writers' Week.

The MUD Literary Club has been supporting two literary festivals in Adelaide and Ubud, Bali since 2012, sponsoring the appearance of big-name writers like Hannah Kent, Tim Winton, Lionel Shriver and Trent Dalton and connecting writers with new audiences.

Founding committee member and Penny's Hill Wines proprietor Tony Parkinson said the group had filled a "niche" hole for literary funding, believing there was not enough philanthropic support for the arts in Australia.

"I think, unfortunately, the same people are tapped on the shoulder repeatedly for any arts contribution," he said.

"It's definitely an area that could have more support, whether government-driven or through wider awareness in the community, through schools or whatever, long term.

"In Australia, more often than not, government contributions go to sectors that are not as needy as the arts, and in this case, it's literature."

MUD is an acronym for Mates of Ubud (Bali), where the group also supports the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival.

Supporting 'rank and file' writers

The not-for-profit group, which kicks off its 10-year anniversary celebrations at this year's Adelaide Writers' Week from Saturday, holds fundraising events featuring exclusive talks from sponsored writers.

"In that time [since starting], we've now raised over $200,000," Mr Parkinson said.

Two men with arms on each other's shoulders smile beneath a thatched roof

Tony Parkinson (Right) at the 2019 Ubud festival with cookbook author Yotam Ottolenghi. (Supplied: Tony Parkinson)

Since 2018, it has also offered the MUD Literary Prize for best debut Australian literary novel, which this year was given to Diana Reid for Love & Virtue.

"Writers earn very little money, and while there are high profile people who are much lauded and talked about, the rank and file writer, I think, is earning an average of $13,000 a year, which is not sustainable," Mr Parkinson said.

"The prize is aimed in that direction, but support for the festival also encourages more sales activity."

Funding dwindling for individual artists

Local author Hannah Kent will be appearing at Adelaide Writers' Week to both promote her new novel, Devotion, and to celebrate MUD's anniversary with other so-called "MUD mates", including Christos Tisolkas, author of The Slap, and Thomas Keneally, author of Schindler's List.

She said the efforts of philanthropists were becoming increasingly important for the arts as government support — by far the most prevalent form of funding in Australia — dwindled for individual artists.

A woman in her late 30s with red hair and a small smile, staring at the camera

Hannah Kent is appearing at Adelaide Writers' Week to promote her new book, Devotion. (Supplied: Lauren Bamford)

"It's been distressing to see it whittled away over the last couple of years because it offers such high returns," Ms Kent said.

"There is absolutely a place for private philanthropy because it can be directed to places and to people and individuals and other initiatives that might not necessarily be those of primary regard by bigger organisations.

"I also think it sends an incredible message to people that the arts are valid and worthy of government funding."

Ms Kent said her own experience with government funding had been largely positive, both while establishing and maintaining the Kill Your Darlings literary magazine with Rebecca Starford from 2010 and with her debut screenplay in production, Run Rabbit Run, which was supported by Screen Australia.

But she spoke fondly of her experience with the MUD Literary Club, both from her days as an emerging writer with 2013's international bestseller Burial Rites to an established and leading Australian voice today.

"It's been lovely to be at the receiving end of their formal support but also to feel they are still cheering me on," Ms Kent said.

Club has its roots in Bali

Mr Parkinson said MUD laid its roots in late 2011 when a major bank pulled its funding from the Ubud festival.

"I was in Bali where we had a resort at the time, and I went to see Janet DeNeefe, the expat Melbournite who started the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival in 2004," he said.

"On the day I visited her, she was particularly downcast, which is not normal Janet, and the reason was a major bank had pulled a big cash sponsorship out of her festival with about 10 weeks to go."

A crowd of people stand on stairs waving in front of an audience, surrounded by tropical plants

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is held in Bali's tropical surrounds. (Supplied: Tony Parkinson)

Mr Parkinson had originally planned to register his resort as guest accommodation for the festival but ended up pledging to find an ongoing "drip-feed" of financial support.

After returning to Adelaide, Mr Parkinson spoke with friend Sue Tweddell, who had family in Bali, if she wanted to be involved.

"Sue said she needed a project and has been very much the driver of the thing thereafter,"  Mr Parkinson said.

"But we also decided at that juncture early in the piece to split the effort between Bali and Adelaide Writers' week."

The MUD Literary Club: The 10th Anniversary will be chaired by David Sly at Adelaide Writers' Week on Monday at the Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden from 5pm.