Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2010
. . . . in light of all the glowing reviews read, and based on other purchasers' experience I purchased this product. Looks good, very wide - as advertised, but disappointingly inconsistent. Followed all instructions, to the letter, but never managed to get it to weigh the same twice. Both my husband and I tried, and both got varying weights. Not helpful when embarking on a weight reduction regime, so it is unfortunately having to go back. Thank goodness Amazon's return system is so user-friendly.

Update August 1st 2010

I was somewhat surprised to receive an email response from the Vice President of EatSmart Products within about 20 minutes of the posting the above. He assured me I must have received a lemon (his words), which apparently happens from time to time. He also went on to say, and I quote, "I was hoping to get you a replacement immediately under our warranty program. Its the least we can do after putting a defective product in your hands."

I was duly impressed and told him so in my responding email. However, to date I have not received a replacement, nor do I now expect/want one to arrive. Having re-read other reviews of this and other EatSmart models, I believe this model is, in fact, a lemon. Other models seem to be consistently accurate, whereas, it appears, this particular model is not.

I am now looking elsewhere for a consistent and accurate scale.

Further update August 4th 2010

Today I received an unexpected package via FedEx. I had duly returned my 'lemon' and received a refund. I thought that was the end of the story. Not so! A new scale from EatSmart Products, with a letter from the Vice President, apologizing for the lemon and enclosing a new scale, which, he informed me, has been thoroughly tested for accuracy.

This accuracy I can confirm. Both my husband and I tested, and re-tested, and there was never a variation. I even tested it with one of my cats - spot on each time.

EatSmart clearly stand by their products, recognise there are occasional flaws, and quickly correct the situation. I am a very impressed and happy customer. Obviously a company which values their name and reputation, and rightly so.

Further update: September 23rd 2013

In case anyone is interested, my scale still gives accurate readings, day after day!

Yet another update: 11th June 2015 - moved to the UK, with my scale, which is still going strong, and still on the original batteries! Such a great scale!

Further update! 13th November 2017 - still going strong, still a great scale!

. . . . And another update - 19th June 2019 - I find it hard to believe I have had this scale almost 9 years! Everyone still hops on every day, and it carries on giving accurate results.

. . . and again - 25th July 2023 - still going strong! What an amazing scale!
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