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Reviews By Lauren πŸ’–
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1:07Everything you should know before you buy this alarm clock!
0:58Everything you need to know before you buy this dress!
0:58Watch to see if this dress is right for you!
1:00Watch before you buy this two piece lounge set!
0:52What you should know before buying this dress!
1:04Is this skirt right for you? Honest thoughts
0:49What you should know about this nightgown before you buy!
1:20What you should know before you buy these magnets!
1:16What you should know before you try this hair product
0:43Is this dress right for you? What you should know
1:10Everything you need to know before you buy!
0:55What you need to know about this top before you buy!
0:44Everything you need to know before you consider this sweater
1:04Everything you need to know before you buy this dress!
1:01You need to know this before you buy this dress
0:32My thoughts on Okiwam Rompers and live try on!
0:47What you need to know before you buy!
0:50Watch before you buy long handled shoe lifter
0:52You will want to know this before you buy!
1:07What you should know before you buy!
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