Akalabeth: World of Doom

Akalabeth: World of Doom

released on Jun 30, 1979

Akalabeth: World of Doom

released on Jun 30, 1979

In the game, the player character visits Lord British and is instructed by him to kill certain monsters. The final mission is to kill a balrog, and after this has been accomplished, Lord British proclaims that "thou hast proven thyself worthy of knighthood".

Also in series

Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash
Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash
Ultima III: Exodus
Ultima III: Exodus
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress

Released on



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Is this the first true hallway-like game?

My dad’s parents ran a computer store in the 80s and 90s, so they (my entire family) are all a bunch of nerds, and my late uncle was especially into D&D, fantasy, crpg’s etc. I have no idea if he ever played this, but he definitely experienced what I now consider “early videogame history.” I was feeling nostalgic for hanging out and looking at Frank Frazetta paintings at his sword-decorated bachelor pad, so I decided to check out Akalabeth based on it being free on GoG and being playable on my Mac.

Yeah, I use a Mac, but I edit movies on it. It’s not ideal for gaming to say the least. Anyway.

Sometimes it’s easy to write off these early games as not-fun, which is fair since Akalabeth feels pretty rudimentary, but you know I always love an ambitious swing. Getting into a very abstract and imaginary mindset isn’t necessary to assess a game, but trying to bring fresh eyes did make this a little more fun for me personally.

Admittedly it didn’t make any sense at first and took some trial and error- eventually I had to look stuff up- but it did come with a manual which I think is cooler than the game itself.

Ok, I know this game is important to game industry but it's just not fun to play at all.

Another early game often cited for its influence on future titles, but on its own it's not very fun. The 3D rooms are mostly a lot of wasted processing power to render hallway after hallway.

Beaten: May 12 2022
Time: I genuinely have no idea, but 20 min if you know what you're doing
Platform: Mac (via Parallels)

This cool little game is the precursor to the Ultima series, and what's here is literally just the bones of Ultima 1 + a tiny bit of story. For what it is though, it's pretty cool. Plus the 1998 version's music is bangin