Amnesia: Rebirth

Amnesia: Rebirth

released on Oct 20, 2020

Amnesia: Rebirth

released on Oct 20, 2020

Amnesia: Rebirth is a new descent into darkness from the creators of the iconic Amnesia series. Set in the desolate landscape of the Algerian desert, the game will focus on new character Tasi Trianon as she sets out on a harrowing journey through devastation and despair, personal terror and pain, while exploring the limits of human resilience.

Also in series

Amnesia: The Bunker
Amnesia: The Bunker
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Amnesia: Justine
Amnesia: Justine
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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Can't understand the hate. I love it

People saying this game isn't scary apparently are fine with body horror lol.

As a sequel to The Dark Descent I think they did take a lot of lessons from previous games and improve upon them - but there's just no way to live up to the hype. It does start VERY SLOW and the last part drags on quite a bit. As always, I think they have a really solid concept behind the game and I enjoyed a lot of it.

Purtroppo è il capitolo più noioso della Saga. Ci sono pochi momenti di vera paura, non hai mai la sensazione di essere braccato o inseguito da qualche creatura se non in alcune scene predefinite.
Il gameplay è molto stantio, soprattutto comparato a "The Bunker", mentre la storia pressoché carina è l'unica cosa che potrebbe spingerti a finire il gioco.

It feels so strange to finally play the only Amnesia game that's a direct sequel to Dark Descent rather than a game with slight references to DD. I honestly kinda prefer if this series was like an episodic series of games that have the recurring theme of a character with amnesia and also maybe an orb. But seeing as that's not what Frictional is going for we can at least see how this compares to the first game, and in many way it is technically better than Dark Descent in terms of its general gameplay and visually it’s really pretty with some great art direction, but given how this game's main focus is my least favorite aspect of Dark Decent it kinda lost me a lot of the time.

idk how much I can say without getting into spoilers but in Dark Decent one of the main revelations was that the main villain and the orb macguffin were call from this ancient incomprehensible alien ghost dimension and while I had no problems with that idea it kinda felt like a genre whiplash where most of the game was spent in dark dingy 18th century castle hallways and bloody dungeons and then the last 2 hours are spent doing supernatural lovecraftian horror, you could make the argument that the game was always going with some kind of lovecraftian horror with the evil red flesh that spreads and fellows you through out the castle. But personally I kinda liked the idea that the red flesh was a sort of visual and auditory hallucination that helps to present the insanity that's slowing eating away at the main character's mind as the orb breaking down the mental walls of his brain make him more and more paranoid; but hey suspension of disbelief amd leaving things up to interpretation are too hard for gamers to comprehend so everything must be taken as literal as possible because screw nuance............where was I going with this?..............oh that's right a third of Rebirth takes place in that ancient alien ghost dimension; so much so that after your fifth trip into that world any horror of the unknown is kinda thrown out the window once you find out how this dimension makes energy for their train stations and homes, along with learning about the worlds hierarchy, structure, and the civil war that broke out between the ruling class and the commoners. I feel like a lot of the game is so laser focused on explaining the inner workings of this ancient now corrupt civilization that something was lost on the way there.....mostly the horror.

That's not to say the whole story is all meh though, the main plot with Tasi and her second new born is pretty harrowing at times and learning about her past and what this second child mean to her and more about expedition crew that came along with her and the eventual decay that happens to all of them through Tasi’s choices. The human aspect of the game is the highlight for me even after all the ancient alien ghost dimension left me generally uninterested, but I just kinda wish there was more of a connective tissue to tie in Tasi's struggles with motherhood with the main villain's desperation and want for motherhood. Like it's there but I personally would've liked a lot more meat to chew on instead of what the game ultimately puts a lot more focus on, that being stealth sections with a spooky monster which feels like they went wayyyyy to far with it in the late game; so much so that it feels like there's a huge imbalance between the puzzle sections, the story and lore segments, and the spooky sneak past a monster bit that I just find boring and tedious.

Taking a step back and looking at this game as the "long awaited true sequel to Dark Descent" it's not perfect and is trying to do a very different type of story and gameplay and I can kinda see why some people were really down on it when first playing it back in 2020. And while I didn't love it I also don't really love Dark Descent all that much either, I still like it but personally I'm a Bunker and Machine For Pigs truther first and foremost and what this game offered for me was good; but it just chose a lot of stuff that wasn't really my personal horror cup of tea. Anyways go play SOMA that shit fucking rocks.

It was the worst game in the entire franchise. I got all the achievements, but it cost me an incredible effort. The game was incredibly boring, and there was almost no element of fear in it.