Bullet Witch

Bullet Witch

released on Jul 27, 2006

Bullet Witch

released on Jul 27, 2006

Bullet Witch is a shooter video game for the Xbox 360 developed by Cavia. It was released in Japan on July 27, 2006 by AQ Interactive, followed by a release in North America on February 27, 2007. Atari Europe handled translations and other localization efforts. The game was not released with a multiplayer component, although players could participate in a score ranking competition via Xbox Live. Downloadable content includes new costumes and new missions. A later Japanese re-release under the "Xbox 360 Platinum Collection" label included all of the downloadable content on the game disc. The player takes control of a witch named Alicia Claus in the near future of 2013. Mankind is on the brink of destruction, having suffered major natural disasters and an invasion of demons. The protagonist Alicia utilizes a gun rod that has transformations such as shotgun, machine gun, and Gatling gun. This weapon can also be used to cast spells.

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This games just fuckin cool man. Idk it’s not the best action game…it’s extremely jank but DAMN Alicia is so fucking cool. Just an awesome protagonist and awesome powers too! This is just a fun game to mess around with. I love all the different powers you get and it’s fun not only experimenting but playing around with the physics. Far from perfect in fact the enemy variety and in particular the MASSIVE empty levels stick in my mind for big flaws for this one. But I’m not gonna lie I loved this. Purely for mechanics this game is a blast and it’s really short too. Just doesn’t over stay it’s welcome while being fun to mess around with. Your real powers is the jank of early HD era games…

Alicia is MY badass gaming witch. Nintendo can have Bayonetta and Xbox can have the…witch from the game no one remembers.

If i was a Teenage when playing this game its will turned into one of my favor games of all time...this game is very flawed and had so much jank but i love it so much its had soul something a lot of shitty shooter games of 7th gen missing so badly ....this game deserve a Sequal but that would never happen because of (Cavia) Shutdown after they done that hood classic Nier ....this game need more love for real and for your own sake play it on JP voice its 10000% times better experince than shitty EN dub

I really had no idea what to expect from this game going in as the general Gamer Consensus in its time was that it was worthless garbage, but plenty of sickos online have been singing its praises as a misunderstood masterpiece. I figured hey, I'm a sicko, I had a good time with shlock a la Devil's Third, clearly this is going to be peak gaming once again. In the end the game was just alright.

The plot is some of that good shit I will admit. It's the far-distant year of 2013, and literally EVERYTHING has gone to shit. Humanity got hit by the natural disaster-war-plague-famine-demon resurrection back-to-back true combo and the population of humanity is just fucked. It's up to Alicia BulletWitch to save the day by means of shooting everything that does and doesn't move. There's also a squad of generic Carl Doodys that occasionally do things both in plot and in gameplay, as well as your usual melodramatic backstory for as to why everything has gone to shit (moral of the story: never fly boeing.) I do wish there was more dialogue and cutscenes because it's the exact type of shit I eat up and there wasn't enough to satiate my shlocky appetite.

The gameplay is alright. There's a focus on physics and destructibility that's really cool, you can push general objects around as weapons or summon natural disasters that level entire buildings in a spectacular framerate-crippling fashion. Not all parts of your kit are equal though; I found the grenade-like rose spears to be hard to ever properly aim and the spell to heal downed friendlies is borderline pointless. There's also like a spell to put a wall in front of you which the game insists you use to make instant cover anywhere but I found constantly spamming the dodge jump attack to be a much better way to approach enemies to begin with. It's not like you really need cover that much to begin with because you have quite a generous amount of health that recovers pretty quickly, especially if you use the constant dodge strat to stall time to heal. The real threat is the physics objects as getting knicked by any stray moving object just freaks the game out and kills you instantly which can be just as frustrating as it is hilarious. I also don't know if this is just the Xbox 360 version being designed for a specific display format or something, but the games default contrast is absolutely fucked up. It seemed like the game dynamically adjusts the contrast in near any scene to use the deepest and crunchiest of black levels where even in broad daylight it's incredibly hard to see anything. I had to manually go into my TV settings and crank up the contrast to an absurd degree absolutely fucking up any bright areas in the game just to be able to see in some sections. Not sure if the PC port is better in that regard, but yea it do be worth noting. It's really weird seeing large flames in explosions and muzzle fire just not actually light anything around it, always covered in constant darkness. Maybe it's an aesthetic choice, maybe it's just the devs not expecting people to be playing through HDMI with the 360s expanded brightness range mode on fancy OLEDs nearly 20 years later, maybe both. All I know was I couldn't see shit through most of the runtime as well.

Overall the game's alright. Didn't win my heart the same way other skungy AA games usually do but I can see how it could win the hearts of others. It's certainly an interesting game for sure, and def worth more than being the butt of jokes like "the bayonetta at home" by its concept and title. Thanks to the 360 shop being dead it seems like the Collectors are starting to get their greedy mitts on this game so it might just be best to get the PC version instead to dodge those grifting assholes. That version might also fix the contrast visibility issues too, though I'm not sure. If you like ambitious AA games and the whole 7th gen aesthetic this is def worth a play imo.

I dig this one, a run and gun shoot-a-thon where ammo is just about infinite and you get Platinum Games style character upgrades making for more enjoyable replays of this admittedly short campaign. Sometimes levels get a bit too large for their own good, an idiot arrow really would have helped out, but the extra open spaces does break up the corridor hallway design of most other parts of the game.

Not much more to say about it other than the main character is very attractive, and you can play the whole game in a school girl outfit, somersaulting all over the place and flashing panties. I am very shallow in my tastes and have no shame in that.

this particular brand of post apocalypse is so much more interesting to me than the hyper editorialized bolted down and uglified (or beautified) modes these things usually operate in. deliberately crafted, but with an uncommon blandness that elevates it by being something you can actually relate to and identify as an offshoot of real urban decay and material suffering. beneath all the meteors, giants, and militarized geists wearing shawls of human skin there's a mundane depiction of decline that closer resembles rotting manufacturing cities than any of the bullshit where everyone's living in houses without roofs or giraffes are posing for instagram selfies

also very funny at times. the contrast of a death toll well into the billions (eventually being concluded as "UNCOUNTABLE") with the relative normalcy of the suburban neighborhood you open the game in is just perfect. all these Probably NIMBYs cowering like they'd been thinkin they'd ride this whole thing out and then get back to golf or whatever middle class freaks do. yeah they got the public park turned cemetery nearby, but the status quo still in sight!!! we're all gonna make it!!! obama third term!!!! and then you get to the city proper, and man, things a lot different when you're not hermetically sealed in the cul de sac

it's cool that they didn't give a shit about making Shooter Levels and instead just made places and walled them all off with bright RED/BLUE/GREEN/YELLOW barriers you need to blast giant floating brainmen ("walnuts") to bypass. I also don't give a shit about them making Shooter Levels, so this aligns with my preferences very well. keep the gas stations, supermarkets, warehouses, and plazas coming

mostly wanted to say the stuff in the first couple paragraphs but I'll add that "maxwell cougar" is a great dumb ass name, the destructibility's excellent, alicia SMOKES bayonetta, and I'm a big fan of the worm men and screamers

good stuff, can't wait to live thru it all firsthand

A neat concept of having magic in a modern day setting with some basic spells to having a spell to summon meteors (it is an awesome spell) with added minimal environment destruction. But the neat spells and main character are the best things about then game. The overall game feels like a slog with using your gun broom weapon with different firing types and a clunky melee. Controls are clunky and jumping is clunky, not much to explore in oddly big maps but with not much to find other than enemies that shoot at you all the time. Not much variety in enemy department, Fallout looking ghoul guys with machine guns that always shoot and will get you to never want to hear a gunshot EVER AGAIN! And some odd magic related brain enemies. Final boss battle is awkward and takes forever, just for a lack luster ending and a slog of a game. Tiny instances of neat set pieces but that's it.
Can skip this game and watch clips of it instead.