Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

released on Apr 09, 2024

Children of the Sun

released on Apr 09, 2024

Burning with anger, The girl wages a one-woman war against the cult, taking them down cultist by cultist, bullet by bullet, until she reaches her true target: the leader. Along the way she will unravel the dark truth about this mysterious order and the atrocities committed by them in the name of their master. In this tactical third-person puzzle-shooter you assume control of one bullet, guiding it through increasingly complex and challenging levels to kill cultists, trigger traps, and reshape the environment. Every shot counts and ruthless precision is rewarded. Taking down the cult is deeply satisfying; doing it with style even more so.

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It's not a strong recommendation. I think it's worth playing, but how do I put it.... A number of the puzzle solutions felt less like "ah so thats how you do it" and more "uhh, I guess that worked?". If that makes any sense.

Feels, looks and plays like an acid trip. Definitely one of the more unique and stylish puzzle/indie games I’ve played in a while. I just wish it had more variety in terms of gameplay, levels, story. What we have here has an insane creative flair stuck to it but in all other aspects it’s a pretty simple hyper violent indie game that could have definitely been elevated with simply more substance.

Cool little game, dripping with style. It does one thing but it does it very well and doesn't wear out it's welcome. Would actually have liked a little more of it. Extra levels or some stronger incentive to re-play the levels and get a better score.

The aesthetics carry this game a lot, I won't lie about that for one second.

But I do like how creative the game gets with only really having one mechanic. Some levels can be annoying with really tight spaces to try to maneuver in and enemies can be hard to spot at times. However, it feels really good to slingshot your shot through an area and hit an armored foe with max speed.

It's very rough around the edges (looking at you car chase level) but I had been interested in this since first seeing the demo and I can't say I was disappointed.

After playing the demo, I was excited for this game and playing it was definitely a positive experience. I love the style and the game play is arcade like and addicting. The overarching story is subtle but in a good way for the subject matter. They even throw some interesting mini-game in there for extra flair, but unfortunately it's pretty short and there is not a ton of advancement (i.e. only a few powers/mechanics). Probably has some replayability for high score and achievement chasers, but not for others.

come temevo ciò che tiene in piedi il gioco è più che altro l'estetica -o forse dovrei dire i colori- e il fatto che come puzzles sia forse giusto sufficiente, ciò che però rappresenta la lacuna peggiore è la scarsa profondità di scrittura su cui potrei pure fare finta di niente ma per tutto il gioco, soprattutto nelle fasi in cui vuole essere inutilmente punitivo, ti fa chiedere ma perchè uccidere tutta sta gente che 9/10 è nella tua condizione? Ripeto ci puoi passare sopra come in tutti i giochi, ma anche no, almeno un minimo di costruzione e coerenza ci vuole, tanto più se nel gameplay diventi sufficiente solo verso la fine