Demon's Crest

Demon's Crest

released on Oct 21, 1994

Demon's Crest

released on Oct 21, 1994

This is the third game featuring Firebrand from the Gargoyle's Quest series. It is side scrolling platformer.

Also in series

Gargoyle's Quest II
Gargoyle's Quest II
Gargoyle's Quest
Gargoyle's Quest

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Eu queria muito ter conhecido esse quando era menor, facilmente seria um dos meus jogos favoritos. Adoro Ghouls'n Ghosts, então o cenário e os personagens já me prendem só nisso. O gameplay é gostoso, uma mistura de Mega Man com Classicvania. O que tira nota dele é somente o último chefe, nem necessariamente o secreto, mas a última forma do Phalanx mesmo. Frustrante, é tudo que essa luta é, a falha em um jogo que seria praticamente perfeito pra mim.

Ótimo game, tem mecânicas muito interessantes que conseguem expandir a forma como lidar com os perigos e com o mapa, e que tem um nível de dificuldade no ponto certo, ele não é injusto, mas consegue ser bem desafiador também. Não completei os 100% do game, mas na jornada principal é um game que me agradou muito.

Speaking as a Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts fan, I would never have expected the Firebrand spinoff to double down on awkward, sluggish controls. This is not the experience I envisioned after three decades of that big red bastard swooping down in a perfect little parabola and bodying my royal ass time and time again! There's some novelty in an SNES platformer that demands you negotiate between aerial and ground movement on the fly; shame that the process never feels exciting or empowering.

Very badly balanced and structured. Half of the crests and all of the spells are useless. It feels as though they were making the game up as they went along.

Its complete lack of warmth or comfort and the Satanic brio of its imagery come close to conjuring an effective dark fantasy atmosphere, but the looping music causes the illusion to crumble pretty quickly. The most effective tunes are the ones you only hear for a few seconds at a time (the song before the bone dragon in the prelude, shopkeeper theme, pre-boss fight intro).

A game of many missed opportunities.

It can be more or less easy if you know what you are doing. The last 2 bosses, though, are insane. The final boss is pretty hard, specially its last form but the true last boss is straight up crazy. The rest is excellent, wish there was more like it in the snes.

Demon's Crest was a bit of a mixed bag as a sequel. Visually it was a fantastic upgrade from the previous games with some really nice sprite work. As a platformer, it swung too far in the other direction and was too easy relative to the older games. The level design was also mediocre in the sense that you could fly over chunks of the platforming rendering it somewhat pointless.

Definitely not a bad game or anything but I never exactly felt like I was having a lot of fun either...? The game's difficulty is also relatively average, no idea why people insist it's actually hard when i'd say only a handful of bosses actually come to the level of being above average difficulty (not a knock on the game just an observation).

I can't really pinpoint why this game is the definition of 'mid' to me but i'd definitely say the biggest issue is just how simple and boring the level design can be. A lot of things can be ignored by flying and there's never any actually interesting platforming required out of your moveset and i feel like this is largely due to the game being non-linear.

However, unlike a mega man game (which this game more closely resembles X series with its collectible upgrades) the difficulty and level mechanics all seem to be set at a much lower skill floor with hardly any varied mechanics or mechanics that seek to really challenge what you have/can get so that the player can have a 'fair' chance is what i'm assuming.

None of the crest forms ever feel like they try and cover different bases in any meaningful way either. The crest of water is purely meant for water segments (which will pretty much only matter for one level that isn't very good imo). The crest of earth you're never going to want to use outside of mandatory block breaking and maybe for bosses for the increased damage output. The crest of air is pretty much just a better crest of fire and the same goes for the crest of time.

The open map structure of this game doesn't feel justified to me when the level design is all so incredibly barebones so revisiting areas for upgrades (which you seriously do not need many of) isn't exactly very appealing, especially when there's no sort of "escape" option like in MMX without wasting time and game-overing upon backtracking to an already played stage.

I really do think the game could have benefitted a lot from just having a linear stage structure considering how the upgrades aren't very necessary or fun to obtain and the forms all basically used for one purpose or overwrite one another.