Edge of Eternity

Edge of Eternity

released on Jun 08, 2021

Edge of Eternity

released on Jun 08, 2021

It’s a mystical, fantasy world where there’s lush greenery, vast plains, towering mountains – and dark spaceships. Yep. While it seems like your typical world of swords and magic, End of Eternity adds alien invasion in the mix, corrupting humans and animals alike, turning them into heartless metal monsters. Daryon, the game’s redheaded hero, heads out to escape from the attacks of his own kind and ventures across Heryon in search for the way to save his world and define his own self along the way. But it seems that the Crystals have a different plan in mind…

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A great throwback to classic final fantasy that is held back by lofty ambitions that on a small budget with an even smaller team make it difficult to realize all its ideas. That’s not to say that Edge of Eternity is a bad game, far from it, the combat is enjoyable, bar a few encounters and the music is quite delightful. The game suffers in 2 major parts, graphics which are mediocre at best as well as glitches that happen more often than you’d like, not game breaking but enough to ruin the immersion from time to time. The elephant in the room however is the final boss which spikes the difficulty to the point where the game becomes aggravating and unenjoyable. Edge of Eternity may have its flaws and the build up may be a let down but the journey is more than enjoyable enough to warrant a recomendation

loved it tbh, but very grindy and there's a lot of inconsistency in quality if i'm being objective. definitely my favourite FRPG

Technically amateurish RPG that offers few reasons to get invested early on.
+ comprehensive options menu
+ unusual story premise about two siblings setting out to save their mother
- interesting but poorly executed turn-based grid combat (at least in the beginning)
- generic-looking and inefficient UI
- large open maps without a sense of identity
- inconsistent visual style with overwhelmingly hideous assets

boring and ugly to look at. couldn't get passed the tutorial without the game felling like a chore

Game started good but then it got bad because its combat design for a team of 4 but you spend like 75% of the game with MC and his sister. The last two chapters totally carry once you got 4 players and the game becomes amazing. In short 70% of the game boring and annoying. Other 30% is goty contender lol

Got stuck on some tentacle boss; didn't have the motivation to continue from there