Final Fantasy VI

released on Apr 02, 1994

Final Fantasy VI is the sixth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, developed and published by Square. It was the final title in the series to feature two-dimensional graphics, and the first story that did not revolve around crystals. The game gives players up to fourteen playable characters, the largest cast in the series, and features the Active Time Battle pseudo-turn based menu command system. A party can consist of up to four characters, though some events require the player to assemble three different parties of up to four and switch between them. Each character has a unique command ability, such as Terra's Trance, Locke's Steal, Edgar's Tools or Sabin's Blitz, and can also learn Magic spells from earning AP from battles with magicite equipped. Each character's rare Desperation Attack will randomly activate after using the Attack command when at critical health.

Also in series

Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon
Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

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While the game is good, I physically could not find myself sticking to or relating to any of these characters to warrant me playing the game more. Maybe some other time, but as of right now, its gone.

-This has got to be the darkest storyline in final fantasy series

- The story is slow in the beginning, but it gets better as you progress towards the world of ruin

-A bit overwhelming between which characters to focus on as everyone is needed towards the end

-Sabin & Edgar, the unstoppable twin and Terra & Celes, the limitless caster. You have got to use them.

-Shoutout to Shadow

Man… sometimes a piece of media just gets you, you know? I was never much interested in going back and playing the classic Final Fantasy games until a friend of mine convinced me to try out VI, telling me it’s one of the best in the series period. I was never big on turn-based RPGs and did not grow up with the series either, but I thought what the hell, let’s give it a go.

I came out looking like this. This 90s JRPG full of Star Wars references might be the most beautiful expression of pure hope, hanging on to dear life, loving those around you, and never giving up no matter how bad things get I’ve ever seen. Just a mystical adventure full of characters trying so hard to overcome their own personal struggles, overwhelmed by their pasts and trying to look up for the future and hang on to their dreams, or find new ones, find meaning. Perfectly contrasted with an antagonist who wishes to crush every one of those things away from existence. “Life… dreams… hope… where’d they come from? And where are they headed?”

I did not think that such an old SNES JRPG of all things would tackle such deep subject matter even if it is Final Fantasy, I went in expecting nothing of the sort and a few hours into the game I'm greeted with Cyan, forced to watch as his family’s souls depart the world on the Phantom Train, unable to do anything to bring them back just as he was unable to save their lives, as they thank him and tell him they’ll never forget him. It’s rare nowadays for a game to bring me to tears on so many separate occasions, I’m a grown ass man and FFVI has managed to make me realize that despite that, I’m still a crybaby and an absolute sucker for suffering characters and their sob stories. Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Locke, Celes, Cyan, Setzer… every one of these guys managed to get me attached in such a short time, every one of them with such beautifully written stories, all trying to get over their pasts or search for meaning in their lives, all struggling to stay afoot in a desperate world that needs them. Edgar and Sabin’s brotherly bond, their lost time, their old wound from their father’s death that they never got over… Terra’s yearning to learn how love feels, to find something to love and look to in order to keep fighting… Setzer’s memories of his lover Darill, how he never got over her death, and his keeping going because she would kill him if he didn’t… all the way to Locke’s failure to protect Rachel and his love story with Celes.

It was probably the opera scene with Celes singing where I realized I have fallen in love with this game and its characters. “You were wonderful, Celes.” As Locke said. Final Fantasy VI, once more, is a beautiful story about humanity’s own twisted ambitions and cruel doings, and their other side: love, hope, their will to live on, keep fighting, and stand together. I haven’t even mentioned Kefka yet, a villain who achieved his goal in destroying everything through his sheer ambition of absolute power, often funny and cartoonish, but ultimately very real.

As for all other aspects of this game… The gameplay is great, the turn-based RPG was more or less perfected in the 90s with FFVI and both its predecessors and successors in FFVII and the 3D games that followed, as well as other titles like Chrono Trigger. Every character has a unique playstyle that is fun and diverse, through the different espers you can find you can learn incredibly cool and overpowered spells that can shred through everything, even bosses like Magic Master and Kefka himself. Traversal is simple and fun especially with Setzer’s ships and Chocobos, the character and enemy designs and sprites are beautiful and the different backgrounds during battles feel like lovely paintings. And the music is… My god, just otherworldly. The music of FFVI might be, other than the story and characters, the most important component that makes this game such a beautiful ride. The prelude music will likely echo in my head for years to come.

The only complaint I might have is the absurd encounter rate, enemies jump at you every two steps you take making for a very difficult and tedious, and somewhat repetitive loop in dungeons, I get that you need to level your characters and earn gil but it still got jarring at a point. No worries though, the Pixel Remaster has Boost which allows you to turn encounters off when you need to, so when I wanted to relax, I did. Still, my friend told me this is the easiest out of the classic Final Fantasy games, so lord help me if I ever decide to give 1-5 a try. I can’t believe children played and beat these games in the 90s, I literally woulda never.

I guess that’s all I got to say, Final Fantasy VI is not a game I expected to become possibly one of my favorites ever at my unc status of 21 years old. But that’s what happens when a game just has you sitting with tears in your eyes and a blank stare at the screen when the credits roll, same feeling I had when I finished Disco Elysium. Thanks for reading all the way until here, here’s a Phoenix Down on me.

And never give up on your dreams, fight on, ya hear me?

hands down the best game on the SNES ... alongside chrono trigger that is

I'm poisoned by nostalgia on this one, sorry.

De la saga numerada este es mi final fantasy favorito. Hablaré de cómo llego a esa conclusión en términos generales.

Pese a coger a la SNES en sus últimos coletazos ya con la 5a generación de consolas en circulación, hay que decir que se hizo un juego para la posteridad. Todo gracias a que su mundo y sus personajes recibieron escritura profunda, cruda y adulta al punto de ser uno de los juegos que a día de hoy le continúa volando la cabeza a muchas personas que lo prueban.

El mundo se siente muy vivo, en constante evolución y no hay suceso sin importancia, todos los cabos se atan satisfactoriamente.

La banda sonora roza a tal nivel que sólo necesitas oir el tema de Terra para darme la razón.

El gameplay es el del sistema de la barra de Tiempo, aunque cada personaje tiene sus propias mecánicas y ello le da variedad. Además con el sistema de Magicita puedes buildear estadísticamente a tus personajes como quieras.

El cast de personajes es altamente memorable. Tanto de jugables como de no jugadores habrá muchos que jamás se te irán de la cabeza. Sus historias pueden llegar a ser un verdadero drama (y algunas escenas tristes te van a dejar muy mal cuerpo. Te harán decir "KEFKA, TE VOY A ROMPER EL ORTO. HIJO DE RE-MIL PUTA."

Si lo juegas, estarías jugando algo que te enseña en mi opinión que por dura que sea la vida, por fuerte que sea la adversidad, siempre y cuando no hayas muerto o perdido la cabeza todavía puedes plantar cara a la situación. Quién sabe si lo conseguirás, hazlo al menos. Es lo que puedo decir sin hacer spoilers masivos porque querría hablar en más profundidad pero es mejor no incurrir.