Game & Watch Gallery

Game & Watch Gallery

released on Feb 01, 1997

Game & Watch Gallery

released on Feb 01, 1997

Enjoy four different games from the classic Game & Watch Gallery series: Manhole, Fire, Octopus and Oil Panic. Original and revised versions of each game are included.

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Not a lot of meat on the bone here; 4 mock-LCD + 4 remixes of the simplest imaginable single-screen games feels pretty light by 1997 GB standards. This was a contemporary of Pokemon, Donkey Kong Land, and Konami's GB collection, for example, the latter of which combined 4 radically different games on a single cart. What's here is fun, the music especially, and the Octopus and Fire remixes in particular have wonderful animation. A good enough time for a few minutes each.

Very simple fun; features classic and remastered versions of four Game & Watch classics. Octopus is my favorite in the collection. A cool dive into early Nintendo history.

The classic titles really are just glorified LCD games and relatively uninteresting today, but the upgraded Mario-themed modern remakes of those classics are made mechanically deeper and have a charming coat of paint slathered on. A fun enough time killer for a bit.

I am absolutely devastated. When I was a kid, this was one of only a couple Game Boy games I had to my name. I'd constantly challenge myself to unlock the stars in the gallery with scores of 500 and 1000 points. Replaying it again hurt me in ways I couldn't have predicted. When it's one of the only games you've got, this is probably a great time but now that I've got literally hundreds of games at my fingertips, there's no reason to even play this again. It's twenty minutes of my life dedicated to focusing on doing as good as I can in glorified Tiger Electronic games. That's not fun, that's a chore. Add in the possibility of coming up short and the need to start over after a failure and 'Game & Watch Gallery' is no longer a game I can invest time into. It breaks my damn heart but I don't think I'll be coming back to this one again.

With only 4 games, it feels slight compared to its successors, but Octopus rules and the soundtrack is criminally slept on. Hell, they even made a double album with arranged versions out of it in Japan.

A pretty good collection of Game & Watch games