Hyper Demon

Hyper Demon

released on Sep 19, 2022
by Sorath

Hyper Demon

released on Sep 19, 2022
by Sorath

Hyper Demon is an FPS like no other. A pearl of lightning. A dream from the future. A drop of poison. A swan song. The faster you slay demons, the harder the game and the higher your score. There is an end. Will it see you?

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oh devil daggers is too slow paced for you? here's more movement tech and 360 vision. go nuts

Easily one of the best games ever made and I've only spent 20 minutes in it

All Style. All Substance.

It takes the format of its older brother and flips it on its head. Insert one of my new favorite aesthetics and much more varied gameplay on both the player’s and enemy’s end(s) and you have a recipe for success. While technically less refined from a design perspective, I find it far more engaging this way. Elegance is an ideal worth striving for, but it isn’t the absolute determiner of quality.

Anyone interested in combat-centric game design should study the enemies here. They are few in number, but endlessly deep in how you engage with them. I’m not here to totally dissect each and every detail, but the long and short of it can be boiled down into two concepts.

1. Enemies represent more than just an obstacle, they also represent a mechanical reward (resources such as crystals and bombs, movement such as ‘stomp-chaining’ and crystal dashes, etc.).

2. Each is designed to be approached in multiple ways, with variations in difficulty, efficiency, and reward.

It’s the interplay that makes it so interesting. Having more mechanics to play with and more dynamic enemies really keeps things fresh on consecutive runs. After the first dozen or so seconds, any small difference in decisions will have an immediate impact on the state of the game. The game progresses with your knowledge and ability, only getting more intense and more kinetic as you improve.

Insanely impressive. I’m entranced by the visuals and haunted by the music. It’s cohesive in a way few games are. One day, I’d like to play for score, but for now I’ll settle for Deicide.

Action perfection, distilled into a drop so pure. The set dressing matches the package, but the confusion melts away a little more each time you play, and you draw closer to the perfect state of bliss hidden within the game. There is great beauty on that holy dancefloor. This is one of the greatest stages of human accomplishment ever fit into a video game.

As a side note, it's hard to imagine how a game can master both its gameplay and presentation so effortlessly. Most indie games are given a little justified slack in the art and graphics department - they typically focus on unique artstyles that leave an impression powerful enough for players to overlook the occasional technical inferiority, bad texture, or UI error. HYPER DEMON doesn't relent in this way. I could spend hours staring at that hypnotic title screen, listening to the wailing main theme, imagining the violence within the package - and gazing with both amazement and horror at the hallowed pantheon of the global leaderboard. It's as though the game itself understands that you have come to the end of the world, far past the single-minded limitations of every other game, and invites you to demonstrate what you're capable of.

Hyper Demon is the only video game I have ever played where I was made upset by not being good enough at it. Has permanently imprinted on my mind as an excellent metaphor for living as a person with a disordered mind. One day you and me- we're gonna get refracted through an oil, skull-shaped prism.