
released on Dec 13, 2018

Judgment is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective. The game is a legal thriller set in the Yakuza world of Kamurocho and follows private detective Takayuki Yagami as he investigates a serial murder case. It stars Japanese actor Takuya Kimura and employs a fighting system similar to that of Yakuza 0 where players can change into different styles, namely crane-style which is more focused on fighting groups and tiger-style which is more focused on fighting individuals. Additionally, the game features an investigation mode where the player must find traces of the criminal.

Also in series

Lost Judgment: The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment: The Kaito Files
Lost Judgment
Lost Judgment

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prolly the best game i played this year......everything from its combat, voice acting and most importantly the story were all top notch......judgment gripped me in a way which all the yakuza games failed to accomplish

Judgment é simplesmente uma aula de roteiro, um jogo que engaja do início ao fim e que com certeza reviveu (de novo) minha paixão pela franquia, mesmo sendo um spin off.

O game simplesmente não deixa nada a desejar na construção do seu plot, com uma trama extremamente bem amarrada e que constrói pontos climáticos em momentos que você talvez nem espere. Além de explorar temáticas interessantíssimas, o jogo as trabalha de forma espetacular os seus personagens, lembrando os melhores momentos da "franquia mãe" do jogo.

Aqui também cabem elogios à gameplay, que tem uma melhora significativa comparado com seu antecessor técnico, com físicas melhoradas, animações ótimas e um muito bom pace pra ação. Apesar de alguns adendos como a falta de elementos para um dos estilos de luta e um ou outro modo de jogo que ou é subutilizado ou só é repetitivo, é um jogo que pela sua variedade consegue sempre entreter om alguma coisinha diferente.

De forma geral, consigo dizer que Judgment Eyes (como é conhecido no Japão) é um jogo muito especial, e não posso esperar para jogar sua sequência.

Really interesting game. Story wise it's excellent, the mystery is just amazing, well constructed, and achieve to put something new and fresh on the yakuza table. Yagami is a very different protagonist, he's way more cynical and tongue and cheek than kiryu or ichiban, which isn't a bad thing as he still have this big sense of justice you always see in a good rgg protagonist. The combat is very well made and we can see how the dragon engine keeps getting better. But it lacks mini game content (no karaoke in a yakuza spi off ????), the substories are a pain to unlockand oh my god the misoginy. It's a Nagoshi story so of course it's going to be super sexist, but the fact that you can date two teenagers is just repulsing, and the fact that they make you dress saori up not once, but twice is also gross. At the end it's a RGG gmae directed by the man nagoshi himself, it's very good as long as you can ignore the blatant sexism

might be the most tight paced RGG studio game of all time. also not overly complicated nor convoluted. amazing shit but could have been a bit more hype

When the judge is mint (f those tailing sections all my homies hate tailing sections)

Let’s go tailing!!

You’re losing them
You’re losing them
You’re losing them