Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

released on Jan 26, 2010

Mass Effect 2

released on Jan 26, 2010

Are you prepared to lose everything to save the galaxy? You'll need to be, Commander Shephard. It's time to bring together your greatest allies and recruit the galaxy's fighting elite to continue the resistance against the invading Reapers. So steel yourself, because this is an astronomical mission where sacrifices must be made. You'll face tougher choices and new, deadlier enemies. Arm yourself and prepare for an unforgettable intergalactic adventure. Game Features: Shift the fight in your favour. Equip yourself with powerful new weapons almost instantly thanks to a new inventory system. Plus, an improved health regeneration system means you'll spend less time hunting for restorative items. Make every decision matter. Divisive crew members are just the tip of the iceberg, Commander, because you'll also be tasked with issues of intergalactic diplomacy. And time's a wastin' so don't be afraid to use new prompt-based actions that let you interrupt conversations, even if they could alter the fate of your crew...and the galaxy. Forge new alliances, carefully. You'll fight alongside some of your most trustworthy crew members, but you'll also get the opportunity to recruit new talent. Just choose your new partners with care because the fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders, Commander.

Also in series

Mass Effect Datapad
Mass Effect Datapad
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect: Infiltrator
Mass Effect: Infiltrator
Mass Effect Galaxy
Mass Effect Galaxy
Mass Effect
Mass Effect

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A masterful achievement in game structure & storytelling. This will go down as one of the most legendary video games ever made

Great game. The story is very enticing with one of the best cast of characters in gaming. The way you fall in love with the crewmates is one of the best parts of the Mass Effect series. This is the best game of the 3 in my opinion with the best missions and systems.

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A fantastic game, that also happens to be the worst Mass Effect game. As a child it was by far my favourite, but replaying it as an adult, I can really see the ways in which it's writing screwed over the future writers for Mass Effect 3. The game has fantastic companions and one of the best final missions in gameplay. but ultimately accomplishes very little with its story. It ends up spinning its wheels for 30 hours before ending right back where Mass Effect 1 left off.

My favourite Mass Effect, so focused on its characters, which it does best. Honestly, it's in my Top 10 gamed ever somewhere.

Great game, but arguably the weakest in the trilogy.