Pokémon Silver Version

Pokémon Silver Version

released on Nov 21, 1999

Pokémon Silver Version

released on Nov 21, 1999

Pokémon Silver, along with Pokémon Gold, are the sequels to Pokémon Red and Blue. They offer 100 new Pokémon to capture and train, 8 more Gyms to take on and a new Pokémon League challenge. Featuring an expanded post-game, Pokémon Gold and Silver additionally offer extra content from the previous entries in the series.

Also in series

Pokémon Ruby Version
Pokémon Ruby Version
Pokémon Puzzle League
Pokémon Puzzle League
Pokémon Gold Version
Pokémon Gold Version
Pokémon Pinball
Pokémon Pinball
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap

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Lá pelos anos 2000 e pouco tinha um emulador feito em Java para celular chamado MeBoy, foi com ele que eu joguei esse jogo.

O primeiro jogo de Pokémon que eu joguei, fui aprendendo sozinho porque nem acesso a internet eu tinha direito nessa época ainda.

Escolhia sempre o Totodile, e até hoje meu tipo preferido é água.

Un gusto haber vuelto a jugarlo. He vuelto a sentir la misma emoción que tuve cuando era una niña y atrapaba a Lugia por primera vez; y aunque a día de hoy está algo obsoleto, supuso un peldaño más en la construcción de la saga.

Un grato recuerdo imborrable.

"Mastered" cause i haven't been able to transfer the lacking gen 1 Pokémon to this save yet

Aí você inicia com cindaquil, totodile ou chicórita. E é recomendado o cindaquil, e durante o jogo você captura ho-ho, Lugia, guiarados vermelho e sudowudo como lendários, só restando um espaço que você pode ocupar com entei, siucune ou raikou, sendo que eles são difícies de capturar, então se não conseguir, seria bom ocupar esse espaço com um Nidoking. No caso capturando Nidoran macho ou nidorino e usando uma pedra da lua para transformar em nidoking. lembrando que nesse jogo apos zerar a liga você muda de mapa e tem mais 8 insígnias e pode enfrentar o Ash no final.

I played Crystal a lot on Gameboy, I wanted to try Silver on 3DS. The game is great, but Crystal is the version you should play on Gen2.

Disclaimer i complain a lot about this game in the review but i promise i still like it and find it enjoyable to play

I was originally playing this game on the side just cuz but @Memoats
Started a pokemon marathon and i decided to join along with @VSLazer and @Dalf. I just decided to finish silver instead of starting over so this will be my first review of many for the marathon.

First i want to talk about all the things i think this game improves from red blue and yellow. First is the music and sprite work. The music I found a lot more enjoyable and less repetitive probably because there is just more of it. Some of my favorites from the soundtrack are ecruteak city,battle lance/red,vs gym leader,vs rival and cherrygrove city. Next sprite work and just graphics in general pokemon look so much better and it helps that the game is now in color lots of the sprites are very charming and still hold up today. Another thing I think they improved is the region design. It's definitely not amazing but it feels more varied and interesting than gen 1 and is easier and more enjoyable to navigate. One of the biggest issues with RBY is the bag space its very limited messy and annoying to deal with thankfully this is mostly fixed in GSC there are now tabs so everything is sorted reg items,pokeballs,tms/hms and key items and i think there is more space in general which is nice you can still run out of space kinda easily but nowhere near as fast as RBY, one more little quality of life thingy that was added is not having to go in the pokemon menu to use hms instead you can just use them in the overworld.

Now for probably the longest section of the review of all my complaints with this game I'll start with the obvious level curve. I'd say the level curve for the first 4 gyms is pretty good but once the game opens up that's where it goes all to crap no matter what way you go you're probably going to be overleveled and it ends up making the second path you choose really boring and it doesn't help that some trainers are ridiculously underleveled even without this like the rocket grunts in mahogany town with their level 15 rattatas also not helping the case is the trainers past mahogany town still have kinda low level pokemon and there aren't very many so when you get to the 8th gym the previous trainer you were fighting are around level 27 and the trainers in the gym are around 35 with the leaders ace being 40 so by the time you get to the e4 your team is probably going to be underleveled which isn't a huge issue if you abuse x items or are just good at the game but was still an issue i wanted to point out. Another problem I have with the level cure is the wild pokemon most really aren't that high level with the ones below the 8th gym being around 27 which seems ridiculous to me to be finding that low level pokemon around the 8th gym. The level curve also is an issue in kanto as well with wild pokemon up until mount silver being really low level. I can maybe understand why if players wanted to train up a whole new team but it's not like there are many cool pokemon to catch in kanto anyways. Ok my final sentence on the whole level curve thing bare with me, the trainers in kanto are also pretty low level and doesn't help the whole lack of exp thing it's annoying when you go from fighting blue that's highest is like 55 to fighting red whos highest is 80 i get he's a super boss but it just feels dumb to me thankfully you unlock mount silver right before and there is some decently high level pokemon to grind exp or you can just beat him by abusing items like i did with your pokemon in the mid 40s.

Now I want to talk about the new pokemon and how the game handles them first off i'll say this is probably the weakest pokedex in the series just in terms of actually being useful so many useless baby pokemon i get they probably added them to encourage you to play with the new daycare feature but they didn't need this many we definitely didn't need cleffa and igglybuff another thing that's holding this dex back is the amount of pokemon that are just super weak that don't get any movies or just dont evolve at all also held back by crappy learnsets looking at you donphan the dex makes this game feel like gen 1 dlc. Now i'll mainly talk about how the game handles these pokemon and i think game freak knew a lot of them sucked thats why out of all 8 new gym leaders there are only 4 used they didn't bother giving falkner hoothoot or noctowl just a crappy pidgey and underleveled pidgeot,they didn't give bugsy any new bugs that were introduced ledyba pineco spinerack,they didn't give morty the ONLY new ghost added in gen 2 when the ghost type was already lacking in gen 1,chuck doesn't have heracross or hitmonlee and only has 2 pokemon as the 5th gym leader.Ok last thing about the pokemon I don't like how a lot of good or new cool pokemon are just gatekept from the player like larvitar not being available until you have ALL 16 badges i think it would have been way better if it was available in victory road and you got to raise it throughout your journey in kanto because by the time you get it it's basically useless,next houndour a fire type and brand new dark type sounds cool right only available in kanto why is the brand new pokemon from johto only available in kanto in 1 patch of grass at night? i have no idea next is misdreavus it's not very good but gatekeeping the only new ghost type until the very end of the game seems like dumb game design to me also i hate how much the evolution stones are gatekept most you can get until kanto and makes a lot of pokemon feel very useless.Now i want to talk about the whole team rocket plot with them wanting to get the attention of geovanni throughout the game team rocket does things to get the attention of geovanni their former boss that red defeated back in gen 1 and the defeat made him disband the team so once you get to the end of the whole radio station takeover fighting underloved grunts and making it to the admin and defeating him after that just nothing no interesting payoff the story just continues with basically no plot after and making the whole rocket nonsense just feel like a giant waste of time.My final thing to whine about is the kanto region i think its cool and ambitious to have 2 regions in 1 tiny gameboy game but it ends up not being very interesting no legendaries to catch story to see I do have some positive stuff to say about it but that will be later in this review too me it feels that they were way to focused with putting kanto in this game that they didn't spend enough time polishing johto and makes the region feel sorta half baked.

Finally now I can talk about stuff I like in this game and things I think it does well first is the legendaries back in gen 1 they felt just kinda random cool rewards for exploring but it would've been cool if they had some context gen 2 adds some lore to each legend mainly the dogs idk it just makes them feel more important and exciting to catch at least for me and it's cool you can get both box art legends even though the other will not have their signature move. This generation added lots of new features that are now standard in the series first there are now held items to add a little more depth to the combat or help with leveling up your team,next day and night cycles are a cool feature and take advantage of the battery these games have and pokemon spawns and music change depending on the time of day so that's really neat the daycare system is cool letting you breed pokemon so you can get more starters to trade with other people to help complete the dex or use on their teams the last series staple feature i can think of that was added is the friendship but I honestly don't have much to say about it.One thing I think this region does really well is just the feel and atmosphere the music definitely helps in this the first routes sound very adventurous and start of a new journey then the caves have a very mysterious sound to them and cities like ecruteak and cianwood feel relaxing and kinda somber.The kanto postgame definitely has its downsides but honestly is pretty cool getting to visit a whole other region and fight the gyms is a pretty cool bonus and adds more value to the game it's cool seeing changes to the region in the span of 2 years I hope in a future pokemon game they have a cool bonus like this again. One feature that is underrated imo is the connectivity with the RBY games you can trade whatever pokemon you want from those games to this one which i thought was really neat because we've never seen cross generation trading besides this and it makes up for not being able to catch certain pokemon in GSC. The last thing I want to talk about for this review is all the cool pokemon that were added in this gen I know i was crapping on the dex earlier but there are definitely some cool pokemon added in this gen all the starters,scizor,mareep line,houndour line,heracross,larvitar line,crobat,umbreon and espeon and the legendaries.
(also cute lil detail i forgot to add but I thought was cool is in the final optional battle with the rival his golbat evolves into a crobat to show he's grown as a trainer.)

Team (I will do this for every review)
Tony the feraligatr Tony II the nidoking Tony III the togepi KENYA the fearow SENTRET the sentret Tony IV the ampharos and SEAKING the seaking.

If you read this whole review I really appreciate it this is the longest review if written and also the one I put the most effort into I know I forgot a couple things like the pokegear and the apricorn balls but Im too lazy to go back and think of something to say about them maybe i'll talk about them when i get around to reviewing soulsilver once again thanks for reading and I appreciate ya < 3