Remember 11: The Age of Infinity

Remember 11: The Age of Infinity

released on Mar 18, 2004

Remember 11: The Age of Infinity

released on Mar 18, 2004

Remember 11: The Age of Infinity is a visual novel video game. It is the third entry in the Infinity series; it is preceded by Never 7: The End of Infinity and Ever 17: The Out of Infinity, and followed by 12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral and Code_18.

Also in series

12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral
12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral
Ever17: The Out of Infinity
Ever17: The Out of Infinity
Infinity Cure
Infinity Cure

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"Because you perceived that girl as the serial killer you altered reality so that girl BECAME the serial killer thanks to your perception" - same game where a major plot twist is that you are led to believe based on multiple accounts and physical evidence that this character is actually an alter of this girl when in reality its just some woman dying in the snow that no one ever talks to and happens to inexplicably also be swapping bodies with the serial killer.

Recommended to hardcore mystery fans but ultimately not for me. The whole time I was lost as to why anyone would bother writing it. It's admittedly a cool concept, but there doesn't seem to be any central idea or theme that's developed over the course of the story, so it unfortunately ends up feeling like a waste of time. It's hard to explain my feelings here, but it's as if I didn't actually get anything out of this game aside from an absolute banger of a playthrough channel.

The game doesn't explain much of it's mystery, so most people will resort to reading some weirdo's blog post (I didn't). I would love to rate it higher but that would go against my good conscience. The game is unfinished and it shows.
There just isn't much to be enjoyed here aside from the mystery. Good soundtrack!

last time i talked about why i disliked this game i got sent racist ragebait by rabid fans. i'm not even gonna try to articulate it here.

If there is one word to describe Remember11, its tense.

The two main characters of the game, Fukuyawa Kokoro and Yukidoh Satoru find themselves trapped in a dilemma where they are swapping their consciousnesses as they are trapped in a snow storm with chances of survival seeming bleak. This leaves them in an extremely weird situation, as it means they are able to work in tandem to help figure out both of their situations, but there is always a looming threat of swapping consciousnesses at the worst times.

Add to that, the rest of the characters are very well-written, though you will definitely be paranoid of anyone being a culprit. Character writing is less emphasized than it is in Ever17, but somehow the cast ends up more well-rounded in spite of this. Every character has a place in the story, and they all have interesting backstories and motivations for their actions.

Following the success of Ever17, the idea was to go in a completely different direction with this game not even starting out as a Infinity series game, but an unrelated title with the name "Parasite". As development went on, it was assimilated into the series despite its differences, and the idea of the Infinity Loop would come into play with the plot once again. Weirdly, despite this being a deviation of the development, Remember11 feels like the quintessential Infinity series game that embodies all of the best qualities of the series whilst subverting it completely.

The ending is one of the most interesting ones I've experienced in any visual novel ever. Maybe it could have used a bit more, but at the same time it being the way it is is what makes it truly work.

My only issue with Remember11 is that it was not longer, absolutely essential to read VN.

É genial pelo o seu objetivo mas o mesmo é oque tira valor a obra como um todo. Dito isso, é a melhor estória sobre NADA que já li.