Silent Hill: Downpour

Silent Hill: Downpour

released on Mar 13, 2012

Silent Hill: Downpour

released on Mar 13, 2012

Silent Hill: Downpour is the eighth Silent Hill video game installment and the last fully-released video game in the series. Just like its predecessors, Downpour combines exploring abandoned surroundings, talking to characters, and solving puzzles, set against a slow, psychological horror theme. Different from the previous game Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the return of combat. The player often has to fight off monsters using a variety of weapons, but he can carry only one melee and one ranged weapon who can deteriorate over time. Entirely new to the series is the introduction of a weather system: there is a full day and night cycle and rain often warns the player of danger that is approaching. It is possible to hide until the weather becomes better again.

Also in series

Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Silent Hill: Homecoming

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После этой игры серия окончательно загнулась к хуям, такие вот дела

Most flawed game in the series (only counting main line games).
Story wise the game is amazing, Murphy is genuinely an amazing protagonists, Anne is probably my favorite deuteragonist in the franchise (especially with the comics), the other characters also good, amazing and emotional story, good endings.
George Sewell is the most underrated antagonist in the franchise.
Sadly all that goes to waste because of the absolute atrocious gameplay, combat system, level design, monsters design, puzzles etc.
Game feels horendous to play, the combat is probably the worst in the franchise, being able to only have 1 weapon in the entire inventory is ridiculous, plus everything breaks to easly.
The prison level (close to the end game) is probably one of the worst things I have ever played, very cluncky, stupid puzzles, frickin waves with enemies in a silent hill game...
This game has insane potential, but sadly the tehnical aspect of the game ruins it.
Still enjoyed it for the most part, story wise this game is criminally underrated.
Overall 6-6,5/10, between Origins and Homecoming, slighty prefer it over Origins because of the story and characters, even tho it's way more flawed

It's starts really good but when you go to silent hill, game goes off the rail

Forgive me father, for I have played this game. What's even worse, friend and I dropped Silent Hill 3 to focus on this and every single minute was: "It surely gets better."

The most recent full Silent Hill as of writing this and also the most frustrating. There is so much potential here with Murphy as a character and the story they could tell, but it just never reaches that potential.