In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.

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30fps, gameplay de batalha e gráfico horrível no Series S

I replayed Starfield, and I have to say that compared to the first time, I enjoyed it more. I think it’s one of Bethesda’s best titles. The exploration of space and the various planets was a lot of fun, and the overall gameplay is well-executed. Despite a year having passed, there are still some bugs. I had to restart the game towards the end because the screen was blurry due to a bug. Nevertheless, I can’t wait for Shattered Space to come out!

Look, I get that the 1080ti is a 7 year old GPU, but this game looks worse than Cyberpunk 2077 and runs WAY worse. However, I feel like I could maybe actually get into it once people mod out some of the rough spots and I upgrade my PC.

Interesting main story concept, game mechanics is out of date for year of release.

A game that falls short of its promise. While the lore is rich and steeped with interesting political-social commentary, the game fails to keep the player engaged. Combat gets repetitive and skills feel like a grind to get interesting.

"what's the worst thing you've ever done?"

"Nobody is ever perfectly behaved, are they? I have to confess when me and my friends used to run though the fields of wheat, the farmers weren't too pleased about that."