Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros. 3

released on Oct 23, 1988

Super Mario Bros. 3

released on Oct 23, 1988

Super Mario Bros. 3, the third entry in the Super Mario Bros. series and Super Mario franchise, sees Mario or Luigi navigate a nonlinear world map containing platforming levels and optional minigames and challenges. The game features more diverse movement options and new items alongside more complex level designs and boss battles.

Also in series

Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. Special
Super Mario Bros. Special
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels

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Every playthrough feels like a fresh, new experience. A new secret to find, trick to learn, or alternate way of reaching the end. Yeah, this is a cool game.

A challenging new take on the original super mario brothers that delivers, super mario bros 3 introduces new characters and locations that draw in your imagination. This is one of the best games for the famicom.

Isso ter sido concebido em 1988 é simplesmente uma loucura. Histórico, icônico, divertido e frustrante como deve ser. Importantíssimo não só pra franquia Mario, mas pra indústria como um todo.

Okay this one is good, but I don't really like most side scrolling Mario games

Two-player alternating modes feel like they don't really get any kind of slack in the gaming sphere, especially in comparison to simultaneous co-op, but I do think there's an underrated aspect to it.

It's all about that brief break period where the other player's turn comes up, and you get a free bit of time to grab a swig of your can of root beer, or perhaps your Diet Pepsi Cucumber, or your Hard Alcoholic Mountain Dew Baja Blast Zero, or Watermelon Warheads flavored Ghost Energy. This brief bit of time where one person is freed up from the game and can better shoot the proverbial shit amongst each other and bitch about how fucked up the world is, complain about shitty people at school, or comment about how chubby Mario looks when he's swimming through the water as if he's using a secret technique to puff himself up with gas to produce buoyancy. Two players in Super Mario Bros 3 I think just might be the apex of that particular dynamic when it comes to the hangout shitshooter game. Are we friendly siblings-in-arms who put thought into who gets access to the mushroom houses and spade panel roulettes? Are we bitter rivals chained together with gritted teeth to take down a common foe? Are we simply forces of chaos here to just wreck shit and constantly engage in bloody warfare in Arcade Mario Bros. to steal cards from each other? That's for us to decide, because this is our game and our rules despite how much the cartridge wants to pretend like it's the one in charge around here. We are the movers of the story, the ones with the most power.

We gather around the telly, and make our way past the plains where we lament that past the first airship...if we took one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home we'd ever been. We trek across deserts, glide through the ocean shores towards a land of giants, ascend the tower of the gods in a big ol' shoe to a castle in the sky that is just out of reach, drop down into the chilly waters below and rescue ourselves from hypothermia, then after pulling ourselves out of the cold, we finally take an unexpected refuge with the stoner piranhas before we take the fight to the asshole himself. You sometimes may ask yourself if you can truly do it all alone, especially against an entire army all by your lonesome, but what is a yin without it's yang, or a ketchup without it's mustard? A partner maybe is all you'll need to make this odyssey a more memorable trip, whether it be your friend, family, or even that one special someone who's most important to you. Who needs warp whistles? We can whistle just fine without one.

I'm going to now segue into a personal funny headcanon that hasn't left my head since I was three years old playing this with my dad, because we love personal headcanons around here, we can't get enough of them and our childhood observations.

Boomerang Bros do not actually exist in SMB3, this is all a ploy by Big Koopa. They don't want you to know shit about the Sock Bros and their attempt at chemical warfare, because they only appear once in the series and it's only in this game. They're not Boomerang Bros, they are Sock Bros and they throw their giant dirty-ass socks at you. Where did they get these big socks from? Surely they don't actually wear them, so they must've stolen them from someone's colossal laundry bin. Was it from their cousins the Sledge Bros? Did they take them from Bowser himself? Only Bowser would be so diabolical as to make his henchmen throw his own dirty stank socks at his Italian enemies. A most despicable and disgraceful act, to produce a smelly smell that would kill a man once the soggy body odor-encrusted cotton tube is slapped onto the unfortunate victim's face and the rancid stench lingers into their nostrils, a fate worse than death for those of a bigger nose. A most fucked up way to go out, an egregious war crime of preposterous magnitudes.

Get a real job Bowser, you loser scumbag politician.

An overworld map, a whole slew of extra powerups to squirrel away, a ton of fun minigames to get them, and a variety of creative worlds to explore from the classic ice stages to more inventive ideas like Giant Land or Pipe Land. I'm impressed with just how many different ways this game managed to blow me away with its level design and enemy selection and while one bad maze stage towards the end soured my experience a little, I still adored my time with this. It genuinely makes me jelly of kids that grew up with this game.