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Well, I fully expect now that I've finally put the stamp on GTA4 and played the only expansion I had left, that Rockstar will announce a port/remaster tomorrow.

The amount of content in this DLC is staggering. Truly worthy of the title "expansion" over DLC. It's a complete new story, with tons of stuff to do. I love the story of Luis and Tony, their dynamic was always awesome. Unfortunately unlike other Rockstar outings, they weren't surrounded by a strong supporting cast. I felt myself not paying attention if the story didn't involve Tony in some way, but Yusuf was pretty damn good.

Honestly though, the things I didn't like about the game were the things I don't like about GTA4 or Rockstar's games in general. The cars handle like shit, the game runs like shit (to be totally fair, I played it on PS3, what did I expect?), the enemies take so long to go down, they're just bullet sponges. You die in like 2 seconds and there are checkpoints but they are still shit, and it takes so long starting or restarting a mission just to drive all the way to the other side of the map to complete it. You have to hold down a button to run and mash a button to sprint, when tilting the control stick to go slightly faster has worked in every other game. Everything has to be done Rockstar's way. No matter how miniscule, no matter if it fucks the game experience up and makes you feel like you're controlling a tank around rather than a human being. All that shit sucked and at times I hated playing this game, so it was good that the story was so fun.

The map was really great too, it's so dense and looking up at the buildings and the camera changing to make them look tall was disorienting in a very realistic way, it's how I would feel if I suddenly started walking around in New York like culture shock.

So yeah, it was pretty good, and Luis was more likeable than Niko or Johnny, but this cemented that I am so sick of the Rockstar game formula. Of how their games work (or don't work). And I could not give one single solitary fuck about Grand Theft Auto 6. If you're like me, it might just be better to experience the story and watch a Lets Play of it on Youtube rather than put yourself through it.

A complete downgrade from the first game across the entire board. On the box-art and in promotional materials Joanna looks like a badass, and in-game she looks like an extra in a Spice Girls music video. What the fuck happened? The less said about her Americanized voice the better. But then again, I couldn't even hear her or what any character said in the cutscenes anyway because of the atrocious sound mixing.

Please lord, let the new game be good. DECENT even.

[Xbox 360 version] Incredible music, really well detailed (but complicated) level design, and an awesome main character make me want to love Perfect Dark.

The thing I dislike about Perfect Dark though are those moments that feel left over from Goldeneye. You're in a mission, and all you want to do is cool spy stuff like shooting evil bad guys and using neat gadgets, and suddenly the mission fails for a totally random reason. Like a civilian getting killed, or an npc accidentally blowing up a mission critical object. It's like too many levels in this game are Control from Goldeneye. I don't want to keep npcs or the environment alive, I just wanna play through cool levels as badass spy Joanna Dark. When Perfect Dark lets you do that, it's amazing.

A brand new remaster that gives some more QoL changes could clean up a lot of the weaker points of the game. Again, I want to love Perfect Dark, I just get annoyed by having to restart a mission over a random act of video game bullshit that I can't even control. Play it on Agent.