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Overall an enjoyable game but it left me very frustrated at the wasted potential due to the standard Disney stuff taking up the vast majority of a game that needed the entire thing to itself. As the culmination of nearly 20 years of Kingdom Hearts it felt like wasted potential.

The last quarter of the game was chock full of every theory about “who will come back” out there, and I honestly enjoyed the way things connected but… it was all sped up in the last quarter of the game giving none of the characters time to simmer.

Everyone’s there, but it didn’t feel like anything at all.

I've heard it mentioned elsewhere that Disney is the albatross around this series’ neck, and at this point I think I’m inclined to agree. Despite it being the major selling point of the series at its start, I just kinda don’t care about the Disney stuff any more. Sure, the stories in this game were fun, but the game spent 75% of it’s time spinning its wheels on Disney stuff with effectively no KH stuff, and then scattershot it at all out at the end without giving things time to stew.

They needed 20, 30 hours to cover everything that needed covering, and they tried to pack it all into 8 or so. Overall, It just frustrates me because I was hoping that this one, out of all the others, would focus tremendously on Kingdom Hearts, using the Disney worlds as backgrounds. As it stands, I swear KH2 had more Kingdom Hearts story in its prologue than KH3 did :P

Still though, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have some fun here The combat system felt like a step forward at times, but also a few steps back (from KH2) at other times - mainly around the attraction attacks which just come up too often and have very little player interaction.

Will I be back for the inevitable next game? Yeah.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2024
