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Radagast21 finished Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit
Somehow, I ended up paying with two friends for a new FNAF game despite not being a fan of the series. Never would've expected something like this from me. But let's just say that it had a good price and pretty art style. So I bought it, finished it and actually liked it. Not much, but that's already enough since like I said, I'm not a fan of FNAF.

It's a simple game. As a survival horror, it managed to do something good with relying on sounds coming from other rooms, but it's mostly random in terms of coming across animatronics. Seriously, sometimes you happen to see them in most random times, so with time, I just payed less attention to sneaking, because I relied more on luck.

There's also the simplicity in the story which is kinda a good and bad thing. I appreciate that no one complicated it too much, but at the same time there's not much to remember from it. I definitely preferred the atmosphere and some parts of lore (even though I'm not familiar with it).

Overall, it's not a bad experience, but one playthrough is enough for me. Although there are more endings, I'm not the type of player who would want to play a game more times just to see them and check out everything that I missed before. That's why even if it's a short game, I don't regret buying it with friends.

8 days ago

Radagast21 finished Tron: Evolution
Even as a fan of TRON, I couldn't force myself to like this. It's not bad as a prequel and sometimes it matches the style of the Legacy quite well, but I couldn't possibly expect just how often I would die in this. Either from falling, because parkour isn't responsive or during the fights since enemies were quite strong and I had a problem with using combos or abilities. But frustration aside, this becomes repetitive very quickly despite a short campaign. And even when you get something different for a moment like levels with vehicles, I only liked Light Cycle. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it even to fans of the franchise.

8 days ago

Radagast21 finished Call of Duty: World at War
After finishing third, fourth and this ,,Call of Duty" right here, I can't help, but feel like I'm going crazy, because those games are basically the same?

Seriously, they're just different skins. Gameplay remains the same and I also felt like World at War was quite similar to ,,Call of Duty 3". At least the soviet campaign has anything resembling actual story, so that was a plus for me. Shooting is decent and sometimes there are missions offering any variation to this game. And they added Nazi Zombies, but honestly, I dislike this mode. I just can't have any fun while playing it. Despite that, it's some sort of effort coming from Treyarch while making game, so I appreciate that nevertheless.

Overall, it's exactly what I would've expected from the series. American portrayal of war with some truly cringeworthy moments and dozen of scripts, explosions and grenades coming out of nowhere. It's not as offensive as Modern Warfare for example. Actually, I would call it bland, but how bad is it when this has to be something to defend a game?

13 days ago

Radagast21 finished Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
I can't believe that so many people consider this to be great. Sure, talk about revolution, because I can't deny that, but what I want to say is that this is shit.

First thing, it was tiresome. It's an audiovisual mess in which everything and nothing happens at the same time. There is constant shooting, building crumbling down and explosions all over the place, but it's so easy to notice how you don't even feel like a part of all of this. During an ending of the mission in which one character commits suicide, I was completely somewhere else and it just happened. And I'm not really talking about having self-insert as a protagonist. That's not a problem. I don't even want to feel like a hero (which sadly is the part of the game's ending). It's just that I had no attachment to this game while playing it. I was either irritated or indifferent.

Second, after playing ,,Call of Duty 3", I quickly noticed how similar both games are in their structure of the story which is incredibly chaotic and feels like a bunch of random scenes with slight continuity. It's also heavily safe with its depiction of modern conflict. It tells nothing interesting about this topic. What's even worse, often it prefers to deliver experience that would be more suitable in a blockbuster action movie. All those scripts and big scenes... I couldn't stand it in a game that was trying to impress me with its serious tone.

Third, I hated the feeling like I was a good guy who brings peace with a gun. All those soldiers right next to me who cheer while enemy soldiers die in the explosion. The god awful mission in which enemy is just a white dot which you can easily kill and you're being praised with ,,good kill, good kill". Yeah, it doesn't show you the terror of war. No. It wants you to feel good. You're a good guy. It's a glorified vision of war.

Fourth, it's just a bad game. Just like in ,,Grand Theft Auto V", you're supposed to play it the way creators want you to. If you're not following their vision, then everything falls apart. Just like with the suicide in which you don't have to be a part of the ,,audience". I also thought that weapons didn't have any feel to them. And I didn't have that problem with two other titles in the series that I played.

As you can see, I hate this game.

14 days ago

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