When people joke that those who buy sports games every year are always playing the same game, I always thought it was just that—a joke—until I tried this one. I recently started liking the NFL and immediately went for the latest game, but it feels like this game was completely made for those who have been playing the franchise titles for years. It’s not intuitive, not optimized, not beginner-friendly at all. I want to play it because I'm really enjoying the sport, but I don’t feel the same drive as I did before I opened the game for the first time. Plus, the NFL is finally trying to globalize the sport, but there's no localization option, only English. I obviously know English, but playing in my native language would make it so much easier.

Maybe another game that helped shape my gamer personality™. It's no secret that today, at 24 years old, I’m obsessed with platformers and collect-a-thon games with open worlds. This game & Banjo & Kazooie made my childhood better, along with my family, and my fear of King Boo and Chain Chomp.

I feel blessed to have had the chance to play this as a kid; maybe it shaped a lot of my taste as a gamer. I tried playing it again as an adult, finding the challenges easier and the secrets more obvious. The magic isn’t quite the same, but it’s still a spectacular game.

Maybe I’m blinded by nostalgia, but this is one of the best games ever made.

Childhood games. ™
Better than the movie.

I didn't even know I was gay back then, but the fact that I played this entire game should have said something.

Love it, and it helps that one of the devs was my English teacher.

I remember it like it was yesterday, being a kid and watching my older cousins play this cute and fun game, cheering as if I were the one playing. Coming from a family where my parents used to run a video game rental store before becoming office workers, I had a Nintendo 64 at home before I even turned 5, and the whole family loved it. This game and Mario 64 will always have a special place in my heart. Banjo is my comfort game — when I'm sad, frustrated, or just need to have fun, I know I'll play this game again and feel happy. I have my tradition of finishing it at least once a year.

Wish I could hate this game like everyone does, but I love it. RE CO-OP is cool and so is this game.

One of the best games i've ever played.

This is one of the most underrated games on the PS2. I remember playing it as a kid and only got the chance to replay it now because I stumbled upon it while searching for another game. I wish it were more popular.

I'm a wrestling fan of course i love this game.

Ultimate Alliance series is the best thing Marvel ever made in video games, it sucks that the only we have to play it now in 2024 is on switch.

Very fun game when you don't have someone in your ear telling it sucks.