Title: The Imitation of Christ, Author: Thomas à Kempis
Title: Dark Night of the Soul, Author: St. John of the Cross
Title: Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Author: John Henry Newman
Title: The Little Flowers of Saint Francis, Author: Thomas Okey
Title: Orthodoxy, Author: G. K. Chesterton
Title: Interior Castle, Author: St. Teresa of Avila
Title: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Other Puritan Sermons, Author: Jonathan Edwards
Title: The Way of Perfection, Author: Saint Teresa of Avila
Title: The Confessions of St. Augustine, Author: St. Augustine
Title: The Golden Bough: Abridged Edition: A Study in Religion and Magic, Author: Sir James George Frazer
Title: The Koran, Author: J. M. Rodwell