Title: The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster and the Future of Renewable Energy, Author: Naoto Kan
Title: Law, Economics, and Conflict, Author: Kaushik Basu
Title: No More Nagasakis: Interfaith Action toward a World without Nuclear Weapons, Author: Toyokazu Ihara
Title: Financial Citizenship: Experts, Publics, and the Politics of Central Banking, Author: Annelise Riles
Title: Michele Caro, Author: Natalia Ginzburg
Title: Sentiero Dei Nidi Di Ragno, Author: Italo Calvino
Title: Decameron: Nuova Edizione Riveduta E Aggiornata, Author: Giovanni Boccaccio
Title: Toward a Theory of Peace: The Role of Moral Beliefs, Author: Randall Caroline Watson Forsberg
Title: Mandragola, Author: Niccolo Machiavelli
Title: In Search of the Free Individual: The History of the Russian-Soviet Soul, Author: Svetlana Alexievich
Title: Io Non Ho Paura, Author: Niccolo Ammaniti