Note: This content has been preserved from the legacy BEA.GOV site. Links have been updated to point to their archival location. Future articles in this series may be presented and organized in a different manner.

Industry Economic Accounts Information Guide - A convenient way of accessing BEA materials on gross domestic product by industry, on the annual and benchmark input-output, on the capital flow, and on the satellite industry accounts for transportation and for travel and tourism. Click the link below to access the guide.

Questions or comments - If you have a question or comment about the Industry Accounts, or if you want to be notified about new data releases or published articles from the Industry Accounts, please click the link below:

Unless otherwise indicated, the articles mentioned below are published in the Survey of Current Business (SCB), BEA's monthly journal.

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Industry

Annual Industry Accounts

Benchmark Input-Output Accounts

Capital flow

Integrated Industry-Level Production Account

Satellite Industry Accounts

Concepts and methods


Questions or comments?

For questions or comments concerning Benchmark Input-Output, Capital Flow, Annual Industry Accounts, or Transportation Satellite Accounts, please feel free to email us at: [email protected]

For questions or comments concerning Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts, please feel free to email us at: [email protected]

If you wish to be notified when we have new data releases or published articles, sign up for our email subscriptions.