One of the truest things I’ve ever heard about bikes—it was said to me of course on a ride, by a good friend who had become a good friend because we had shared so many rides—is this: The bicycle will take you exactly where you need to go.

Riding a bike can change your life. But it doesn’t have to. It can also just get you out of the house after a tough day at work. Or help you get a little—or a lot—leaner. Or make getting to and from work the best part of your day. It can give you a brand new community, or grant you a few precious hours of solitude. It can show you new sights right on your own block, or take you around the world. It can strengthen your heart. Boost your mood. Beat back any number of ills. It can bring your family closer. It can take your relationships farther. It can do all of these things, and so many more.

Join Bicycling Now

Join Bicycling Now
$40 at Bicycling

Whether you’re completely new to riding, just getting back into it, or hoping to go deeper into your passion than you ever have before, you’ve come to the right place. At Bicycling, we celebrate and enrich every aspect and stage of the cycling life. We’re just like you when it comes to enthusiasm and ambition and hope, but we’ve been around enough and ridden enough—and taken enough spills—that we understand what it takes to fully enjoy riding.

Bicycling Magazine has been around for decades—for most of that time, just in print. But the way we talk to you—through in-depth gear reviews, storytelling, and training advice—has changed. Which is why we are launching a new membership model. We're expanding the ways we can reach you, offering more benefits that will help you ride stronger. For $40 a year, those benefits include:

  • Unlimited Access to Get whatever you're looking for, from coach-led leg workouts to maintenance tips to gear roundups. Non-members will still get four free articles a month, but we'll frequently release member-exclusive content.
  • Expert Guides: Our best advice, compiled into an easy-to-digest, mobile-friendly place. We're starting with a primer on gravel and will expand to other topics (from E-bikes, to maintenance, to getting started) in the next weeks and months.
  • Deals: Save money from hundreds of brands that will help your life on and off the saddle.
  • Members-Only Newsletter: Hear from our editors and Bicycling Coach each week. You'll get training tips, our latest and best reads, and insider-gear advice.
  • Annual Print Magazine: Settle in after a long ride with beautiful storytelling, expert advice, and all the reasons you love the bike–delivered straight to your home six times a year.
  • Opportunity to Test Gear: Our test team puts hundreds of pieces of gear out in the field each year. Each month, we’ll pick a select group of members and send them the latest gear to help us recommended the best stuff online and at your local shop.
  • 50 Percent Off a USA Cycling Annual Membership: We've partnered with USA Cycling to help you dive deeper into the sport. The membership includes access to thousands of sanctioned events and access to the largest cycling club in the country.

The membership program is like a new ride—we'll make adjustments when we need and add on when the next turn looks intriguing.

Join Bicycling Now for $40/Year

But mostly, we're here to help you get everything you want from your cycling journey. I’m eager to share our know-how with you, but just as eager to share your stories with the rest of the Bicycling team. Thanks for riding with us.