There are many perks to group rides. A great pack of fellow cyclists can encourage you to get on the bike more often than you would on your own and push you to ride stronger and longer. Groups can also introduce you to new local routes (bye, monotonous training!), and expand your knowledge of the sport.

On top of that, a stellar cycling club can double as a social network, providing an easy way to get—and stay—connected with community. Lastly, riding together can be much more fun than pedaling solo.

Here, we’ve rounded up 15 cycling groups across the country that seem to tick all of those boxes—and then some. From Southern California to Portland, Cleveland, New York City, and beyond, these local hubs were picked for either their long-standing history (some have been around for 40-plus years), large memberships (think: upward of hundreds of riders), or in many cases, both.

Consider joining—or just hopping in for a ride if you’re visiting the area—and enjoy all of the amazing perks that group cycling has to offer.

1. Beach Cities Cycling Club

Cruise around Southern California’s Redondo Beach area six days of the week with this more than 250-member group. The routes range in distance and terrain—from 20 to 70-plus miles and from flat terrain to more than 5,500 feet of elevation gain.

On the easier end of the spectrum and particularly popular among members is the Friday “Bun Ride,” which involves pedaling to a local coffee shop, sandwich joint, or bakery for midworkout treats. The club also hosts regular happy hours and coffee socials both during and after group rides, and they have a seriously cool community outreach component—through their Youth Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Education Program, club members provide bike safety classes to local schools.

Location: Redondo Beach, California

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2. Portland Velo Cycling Club

This Rose City-based group takes special care of its members. Thanks to their ride leader program, which trains and pays members to head various speed groups, each ride has a designated lead responsible for navigating the course and ensuring the group’s safety and enjoyment. This means the rest of the riders don’t need to worry about, well, any details of the workout.

“You won’t get dropped and find yourself out on the road alone,” says Glen Bolen, Portland Velo Cycling Club member. “We'll take care of you.”

Join the signature ride every Saturday, which is divided into different speed groups ranging from 14 to 24 mph, or smaller group rides on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Distances typically range between 30 and 50 miles, with terrain switching every other week between hills (up to 3,000 feet of climbing) and flats (as little as 700 feet).

Location: Portland, Oregon

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3. New York Cycle Club

Explore the Big Apple on two wheels with the New York Cycle Club. This organization, which has been around for more than 80 years, hosts dozens of rides a week that are as diverse and varied as the city itself—from 35-mile social rides to 100-mile competitive training rides and everything in between. You’ll pedal in, around, and outside the city, including point-to-point rides across the tri-state area.

Though the group is massive (nearly 3,000 members), newcomers won’t feel like just a number—the club prides itself on warmly welcoming beginners with personalized advice on proper riding gear, nutrition, bike operations, and tips for safe city riding.

Location: New York City

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4. Fort Worth Bicycling Association

Join this group in North Texas for the weekly rides, and stay for the varied company. “We’re not racers,” says Jerry Franks, a ride leader with Fort Worth Bicycle Association, “but some push the pace, while others smell the roses.” Pick your speed du jour in six-plus rides a week covering between 20 to 65 miles each.

The routes change often, though all typically follow quiet, safe country roads south and west of the city. Long-distance cyclists can get in extra miles with monthly group century rides, plus yearly, multiple-day rides in Leakey and Fort Davis, and a yearly, two-day ride from Austin to Fort Worth. On top of that, the group offers regular social events—members typically eat together after rides, and there’s also an annual picnic and yearly Christmas party.

Location: Fort Worth, Texas

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5. Cleveland Touring Club

Now more than 40 years running, this 400-member club hosts four weekday rides during the summer, plus special signature and pop-up rides. The weekday rides feature multiple speed groups, with the fastest folks pedaling 35-plus miles at 18 mph and above and the most social bunch tackling about 15 miles at around 10 mph.

The routes primarily follow roadways east of Cleveland, which can be hilly, and occasionally chart along Ohio’s scenic Greenways trails. On the social front, the club hosts a monthly hot dog party, regular ice cream and pizza rides where the club picks up the tab, an annual picnic, a yearly holiday gathering, and a fundraising ride every June through the idyllic Amish countryside.

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

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6. San Jose Bike Party

Every third Friday of the month, this NorCal-based group hosts a party on wheels through San Jose and the surrounding local area. Cyclists turn out each time (the rides are free and open to the public), for themed riding.

Food trucks, DJs, and a dance floor await participants at the regroups where folks are encouraged to refuel, bust a move, and show off their costumes (past themes include “Vikings,” “Krampus,” and “Captain Marvel”). The group also regularly hosts smaller rides to support local events, like an open streets initiative, plus more specialized group rides, including females-only rides and kid-friendly rides.

Location: San Jose, California

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7. Coastal Cyclists

Founded in 1972, this South Carolina-based recreational cycling club (current member count: about 150) hosts six-plus weekly rides, covering between 10 to 50 miles and varying in intensity—from leisurely, no-drop social rides to interval sprints. On the fun front, they host an annual oyster roast and yearly holiday party.

Beyond that, they’re big advocates for cycling safety and education in the lowcountry around Charleston.

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

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8. Twin Cities Bicycling Club

More than 1,000 members comprise this 25-plus-year-old Midwestern group that schedules more than 1,600 (no, that’s not a typo) rides a year. The bulk of those meet-ups take place during Minnesota’s warmer months—i.e. May through September—though certain members do brave the winter weather and organize workouts year-round.

All rides are planned by trained ride leaders (the club currently has nearly 200 of those folks) and fall into one of five categories ranging in difficulty and distance up to 50-plus miles. The overarching focus, no matter how long or how hard the ride, is simple: fun. Many evening rides during summer include an optional post pedaling meal, and many day rides feature a built-in stop at a popular coffee joint or ice cream shop.

Location: Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota

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9. Metro Atlanta Cycling Club

The goal of this approximately 100-member ATL-based group is “to promote cycling in the black community and build camaraderie amongst all cyclists.” Anyone (including non-members and out-of-towners) is welcome to pedal along—they host about one to three rides per week of varying difficulty, plus some weekend rides and impromptu rides organized via group text. Essentially all rides end with a social component (think tailgating in the parking lot or going out for pizza).

Committed cyclists can also apply for membership. It’s a somewhat lengthy process—you must meet a list of specific requirements, including completing seven rides with the group and taking a test—but once you’re in, you can don the Metro Atlanta Cycling Club (MACC) kit and also partake in their new members-only retreat, held annually.

In addition to standard weekly get-togethers, MACC’s main event is the “One Love Century,” an annual charity ride. Proceeds go to a seriously good cause: youth cycling organizations.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

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10. Bicycle Club of Philadelphia

Now four decades in the running, this 1,000-person group hosts about 20-plus rides a week ranging in distance (from about 10 to 60 miles), speed (around 9 to 20 mph), and terrain (from flat, urban routes to hilly countryside paths).

Weekend rides are typically longer and include lunch; during the winter, organized hikes are added to the schedule. Pay the nominal member fee and you’ll get a lot in return, including gratis food and drink at occasional postride social gatherings, as well as various parties and educational events.

The club also offers reduced entry charge on the group’s big paid events (including an annual century ride and ride to Brooklyn) and discounts at local bike shops. Other perks: an annual picnic that’s free for members and an annual banquet that the club heavily subsidizes for members.

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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11. Cycling Kansas City

In 2011, two long-standing cycling groups in the Kansas City area—one in Missouri and one in Kansas—merged to form Cycling Kansas City. Today, the group supports members with a mission to promote safe cycling through new rider clinics in the summer, an eight-week rider development class every spring, and volunteer service as ride marshals at local charity rides.

Throughout the year, cyclists can pick from about 30 group rides every week with more options during summer and slightly less in winter. These weekly group rides, which typically conclude with drinks or food, range in both speed (from no drop to 20-plus mph) and distance (from eight miles to 50-plus miles). On top of that, Cycling Kansas City also puts on three paid rides a year, each with the option of a century plus a minimum of three shorter distance options. After the paid rides, cyclists refuel with après lunch, beer, and other beverages.

Location: Kansas City, Missouri

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12. Colorado Springs Cycling Club

The mission of this group is threefold: fun, fitness, and safety. During late spring through early fall, cyclists can saddle up for group rides of varying distances, speeds, and terrain hosted most days of the week, plus two to three options on Saturdays and Sundays.

The club, which was founded in 1987, also hosts several members-only speciality rides throughout the year, including a New Year’s Day ride that happens no matter the weather; a picnic ride every July; a “progressive dinner” ride every October (where participants pedal to three different members’ houses, consuming a new course at each); and more. Another perk of membership? Discounts to safe cycling education courses.

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

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13. Bonneville Cycling Club

Founded in about 1976, this Utah-based club offers more than 500 (yes, 500!) rides a year for cyclists of all abilities. On an average week, folks can pick between 10 to 20 rides (with fewer offered during colder months) spanning four different pace groups ranging between 10 and 22 mph, with some open-pace rides. Most weekends, they offer a 100-miler, a metric century, and a 30ish-mile ride that includes an off-the-saddle social component.

More than 2,500 riders have joined this club, and perks of joining include bike maintenance classes, year-end awards, discounts at local bike shops, overnight camping trips, and more.

Also neat: Every June, BCC hosts “Little Red,” an annual ladies-only ride in northern Utah that raises money to fight women’s cancer. Since its founding more than 30 years ago, Little Red has become pretty darn popular, with 3,500 selected riders.

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

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14. Florida Freewheelers

This 400-member Central Florida club is nearly 50 years old. Currently, they offer about five categories of road group rides, a mountain bike group ride, and leisurely social rides to the occasional metric century to themed rides (think taco tours, hike and bikes, and full moon rides), and more.

On top of that, FFW also hosts two annual events that are both about 40 years old: the “Horrible Hundred,” a challenging century ride that starts lakeside in Clermont, and “Florida Bicycle Safari,” a multi-day ride in northern Florida and Georgia.

Location: Central Florida (Orlando area)

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15. Chicago Cycling Club

This 25-year-old group, currently 125 members strong, is all about encouraging cycling in the Windy City and surrounding area. During warmer months, riders can pedal along on two to five group rides a week, including regular training rides that help cyclists learn paceline skills at higher speeds.

Though the club hosts fewer group riders during winter months (for obvious reasons—it is Chicago), cyclists can partake in special tours throughout the year, including short, easy social rides, two-wheeled tours centered on themes like local history or architecture, and some longer rides (like 60 to 100+ milers).

Location: Chicago

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Jenny McCoy
Contributing Writer

Jenny is a health and fitness journalist. She’s also an NASM-certified personal trainer. Her work has been published by Vogue, Glamour, SELF, Outside, and Health, among others. She lives in Colorado, where she teaches water aerobics at her local rec center.