Some riders experience tingling and numbness in their hands, while others deal with the tingling, no-feeling sensation in their feet and toes, particularly while wearing cycling shoes.

Many cyclists can often relieve numb feet simply by wiggling the toes around, but for others, that alone doesn’t address the issue, at least not consistently, and the feeling can last through most of the ride—or even after the ride is done.

The good news is that you can easily address numb toes while cycling, instead of just dealing with the discomfort.

Here’s everything you need to know about numb toes on your rides, including what causes numbness in the first place and how to fix the problem, both on and off the bike.

What causes numb feet while wearing cycling shoes?

Scott Holz, senior program manager for Specialized Bicycle Components and a leading bike fit expert tells Bicycling that two things typically cause numb feet and toes: nerve compression or blood circulation restriction.

Several factors can cause nerve compression including “cleat placement, improper arch support (too much or too little), shoes that are too tight or especially too narrow, and the incorrect pedal stance width,” says Holz. He’s even seen cleat bolts that were too long for the thickness of the sole of the shoe press into the bottom of riders’ feet, which can cause numbness.

Another element that could contribute to numb or tingly feet is your cycling posture. If your riding posture is off, you may also feel foot pain or numbness. “When you’re on the bike, there is lot of stress around the low back and pelvis, and a reasonable number of cyclists develop a type of foot numbness that is referred from the back when nerves there are pinched,” says Mark Gallagher, a podiatrist with Pure Sports Medicine in Kensington, United Kingdom.

Narrow shoes can also cause numbness in the feet or toes. Fortunately, though, this problem goes away when cyclists use pads called metatarsal button additions. You place them in your shoe where the ball of your foot rests.

Similarly, poorly fitted shoes can also cause numbness and tingling by restricting blood circulation, says Holz. This is why you want to get fitted for your shoes and test them out if you can before purchasing. Riding with different shoes or changing the way you are positioned on the bike, even temporarily, can often help you figure out why your feet and toes are numb.

Finally, cold weather, can cause numbness because the feet are often the first part of the body affected by cold temps on a bike.

While you can ride through the symptom of numbness, it’s better to identify its cause to prevent lasting nerve damage. For example, Holz says if the problem isn’t identified, a cyclist can develop Morton’s neuroma, which occurs when one of the foot’s plantar nerve branches develops scar tissue as it tries to protect the nerve from the compression. The result? Lasting or permanent pain and numbness.

How can you address numb toes midride?

Of course, understanding the cause of numb feet and toes will help you prevent the problem over the long term, but if it happens while you ride, you probably need a quick solution.

First, if you can, Holz suggests trying to loosen your shoes, especially in if it’s hot out. “This will release both compression and help circulation,” he says. Sometimes getting off the bike and simply massaging the feet will also help.

If you need to do these two things frequently, “then something is not right with the foot-bike interface, as this degree of discomfort is not normal,” he says.

One important caveat: These quick fixes won’t work if you’re in the middle of a race.

How can you prevent numb toes and feet in the long term?

Holz has three key tips for preventing your feet and toes from going numb. However, numbness while riding is not a one-size-fits-all solution so you might even want to go to your local bike shop to experiment with different equipment.

1. Make Sure Your Shoes Fit

The stiff soles of cycling shoes are great for power transfer, but that means your toes aren’t doing much work while you’re pedaling. Don’t assume that means your shoes should be snug, though. Ideally, they should fit like a glove.

Your toes need extra wiggle room to account for swelling, and you need to wiggle those toes while you ride, too. Also, there should be no pressure on your toes from the shoe when you ride, so when you buy them, move your toes and try to slide your feet forward and bike a little just to make sure there is space for them in the shoe.

“If you have pressure points just trying the shoes on, they seldom get better on the bike. Most cycling shoes are made of materials that are not meant to stretch much, but this also means they don’t ‘break-in’ that much either, so they should be comfortable from day one, or they are probably the wrong shoe,” says Holz.

Gallagher also suggests asking about different cleats and pedals at your trusted local bike shop, as they should have great knowledge of the interaction of the foot with the bike.

2. Support Your Arches

Many cycling shoes come with a variety of arch supports you can try, or you can replace the entire insole with an over-the-counter option like SOLE moldable insoles. Replacing the stock low-profile footbed in most cycling shoes will support your arches in a neutral position.

“Footbeds not only prevent arch collapse which can increase efficiency, they also help distribute pressure over the entire area of the sole, and this removes pressure points that cause nerve compression or circulation loss,” says Holz.

The mechanics of the foot while cycling are different from land-based activity, and “the role of orthotics needs to be judged on a case-by-case basis depending on the problems that the cyclist is experiencing,” says Holz. In some cases, they can mitigate numbness and tingling, but insoles aren’t a blanket cure, and they may not be right for everyone, so he suggests working with a professional or a podiatrist to figure out what’s best for you.

3. Get a Professional Bike Fit

It’s hard for a novice cyclist to self-diagnose the minute details of the way they sit on a bike, so having a certified bike fitter take a physical assessment of your mechanics and foot structure can help determine what’s causing foot and toe issues.

“A saddle position that is too high or low, or an undiagnosed leg-length discrepancy, can put extra stress on your back and hips, pinch nerves, and contribute to symptoms like numbness and tingling,” says Gallagher.

A professional bike fit generally includes a detailed look at other numbness-causing factors like cleat position, stance width, and posture and costs anywhere around $200 to $500 depending on the shop, fitter, and level of customization.

Molly Hurford
Contributing Writer

Molly writes about cycling, nutrition and training with an emphasis on bringing more women into sport. She's the author of nine books including the Shred Girls series and is the founder of Strong Girl Publishing. She co-hosts The Consummate Athlete Podcast and spends most of her free time biking and running on trails, occasionally joined by her mini-dachshund.

Headshot of Michael Nystrom
Michael Nystrom
Freelance Writer

Michael Nystrom is a two-time IRONMAN finisher and a former editor at Active Network, Muscle & Performance and Oxygen Magazine. He covers all things cycling, from the Tour de France to new product releases, and has been published by USA Triathlon, Under Armour, Polar, Triathlete Magazine and more. When not swimming, cycling or running, he’s catching some waves or chasing his dog, Dingo.