The 5,000-foot descent from Kennebec Pass to Durangoon the final day of this singletrack smorgasbord lasts three glorious hours. But for riders on a five-day Rim Tours trip, that's only one of the mind-bending moments on a 95-mile adventure along some of the state's best high-altitude trails.

"It's the most challenging supported ride most people will ever do," says Rim Tours co-owner Matt Hebberd. But you don't have to fend for yourself up there; the company's support vehicle meets riders each afternoon to deliver creature comforts at backcountry campsites. (And it will rent you everything from sleeping pads to Yeti 575 full-suspension trail bikes, so if you don't own it, ask.)

What's a typical day like on the Colorado Trail? Tear into plates of French toast, breakfast burritos, and fresh fruit. Sip cowboy coffee and follow three expert guides out on six hours of remote alpine singletrack. Stop to take in highaltitude landscape festooned with wildflowers and question-your-significance views of the San Juan Mountains. Arrive at next campsite.

Each night, the guides morph into cooks and concierges, offering you warm washcloths and dinners featuring the likes of pork tenderloin with wasabi mashed potatoes, washed down with cold suds in front of a crackling fire.

Sign Up: Rim Tours,
Length of Trip: 5 days Cost: $1,050
Best Time to Go: July and August