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Beyond the Book Articles

Beyond the Book Articles

For every book we review, we also write a "beyond the book" article that focuses on a cultural, historical or contextual topic related to the book. You can browse by category below, or use the search box at the top of the page (check "Article").

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Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy Accumulator

...a beyond the book article for Time's Mouth
In Edan Lepucki's novel Time's Mouth, one of the time travelers enhances their power using an obscure invention by a Viennese psychologist, Wilhelm Reich.

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was born in what is now Ukraine to Jewish parents, both of whom died when Reich was a child. After enlisting in the Austrian army during World War I, he ...

Sarah Manguso: The Fragment and the Aphorism

...a beyond the book article for Liars
Sarah Manguso is a poet, essayist, and novelist who is known for, among other things, her short compositional units: all of her non-poetry books are made up of short sections—sometimes just a line; sometimes a longish paragraph—separated by the white space of a line break. Her first few books take the form of a series of ...

The Launch of Sputnik 2

...a beyond the book article for The Most
Though the story unfolds largely through flashbacks, the present-day events of The Most occur on November 3, 1957, which is the day the Soviet Union launched its satellite Sputnik 2 into space. This date was chosen at the behest of Premier Nikita Krushchev to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. Occurring at the...

Cuneiform and Ashurbanipal's Library

...a beyond the book article for There Are Rivers in the Sky
There Are Rivers in the Sky by Elif Shafak begins with the story of King Ashurbanipal (c. 685–631 BCE) of Ninevah, an ancient city on the eastern bank of the Tigris in part of what is now Mosul, Iraq. Although cruel even by the standards of his day, Ashurbanipal valued learning, and sometime around 647 BCE he built a library to ...

Weather, Film, and Television in Sunny Los Angeles

...a beyond the book article for Colored Television
In Colored Television, Jane, a novelist turned aspiring TV writer from the East Coast, reflects on her inability to get used to the warm springs of Los Angeles while also considering their utility: 'All that sunshine was said to be the reason the film industry had moved west back in the 1920s. Only in Los Angeles could they control when ...

"The Goose Girl," Dorothea Viehmann, and the Brothers Grimm

...a beyond the book article for A Sorceress Comes to Call
'The Goose Girl' tells the story of a princess who is sent by her mother to a faraway land to marry. The queen gives her daughter a magical talking horse and talisman, telling her to care for both, as they will protect her from harm. But when the princess loses the talisman, the waiting maid she is traveling with forces her to change ...

A'isha bint Abu Bakr

...a beyond the book article for Every Rising Sun
In Jamila Ahmed's Every Rising Sun, Shaherazade remembers a story from the life of A'isha, third wife of the Prophet Muhammad. While traveling with her husband, she was separated from the group and became lost in the desert. Another man found her and helped her back to Medina, but she was unjustly accused of adultery as a ...

The Santo Tomas POW camp

...a beyond the book article for Valiant Women
In Valiant Women, author Lena S. Andrews features the true stories of women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. Among the women profiled is Navy nurse Dorothy Still, who was working in the Philippines when World War II broke out. She was taken prisoner by the Japanese and sent to Santo Tomas internment camp, where she ...

Young Adult Novels That Address Gentrification

...a beyond the book article for Like Home
In Like Home by Louisa Onomé, Nelo fights the forces of gentrification and change in the neighborhood that she loves so dearly. Gentrification has become an increasingly popular topic in recent young adult novels, and there are now a variety of titles offering different points of view on the subject.

This Side of Home by Ren&#...

The Promise and Peril of the Haber-Bosch Process

...a beyond the book article for Becoming Earth
As Ferris Jabr describes in Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life, he and his spouse discovered an all-too-common problem when they tried to plant a new garden—ruined, lifeless soil. Despite our millions of acres of farmland, the intensity of modern agriculture, grazing, deforestation, and land disturbance have severely ...

George Oppen

...a beyond the book article for Small Rain
In Garth Greenwell's novel Small Rain, the unnamed protagonist—facing a difficult and uncertain medical diagnosis—finds solace in a poem by the poet George Oppen. The poem is only a few simple lines, but the protagonist marvels at how much unfolds when one sits with Oppen's work and lets it quietly speak. 'I loved how, among ...

The World of Food Delivery App Work

...a beyond the book article for Witness
One story in Jamel Brinkley's collection Witness is about a woman who keeps receiving friendly notes from the same food delivery person and drafts long, personal letters in reply. In her letters, Gloria, a room service server at a hotel, reflects that food delivery apps are responsible for eliminating jobs like hers, but expresses ...

Comet Hale-Bopp and the Heaven's Gate Cult

...a beyond the book article for Bright Objects
A central event in Ruby Todd's debut novel, Bright Objects, is the sighting of a comet in the atmosphere. Comet St. John appears in January of 1997 over Sylvia's small town in Australia, causing its residents, along with the rest of the world, to stargaze and ponder the mysteries of the universe.

While Comet St. John is a ...

Ted Bundy and the Myth of the Charming Serial Killer

...a beyond the book article for Bright Young Women
Jessica Knoll's Bright Young Women, a fictionalized take on the crimes of Ted Bundy, portrays its Bundy-inspired killer as an unimpressive man sensationalized as a charming genius. This echoes real-life critiques of the way Bundy has been cast by the media and law enforcement over the years.

Bundy was one of the twentieth century's ...

Trepanation: An Ancient Form of Brain Surgery

...a beyond the book article for Gray Matters
In Theodore H. Schwartz's book, Gray Matters: A Biography of Brain Surgery, the author traces the history of neurosurgery. His account begins with the work of Dr. Harvey Cushing, whom he calls the 'undisputed founding father of neurosurgery,' in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. If one considers any deliberate operation on the brain to ...

Literary Late Bloomers and Prizes Honoring Their Achievement

...a beyond the book article for After the Funeral and Other Stories
Tessa Hadley, author of After the Funeral and Other Stories, did not have a book published until age 46. In interviews, she has been frank about the fact that her first four or five novels, written in her twenties and long since discarded, didn't measure up. 'I am so glad I didn't publish a debut novel at 25, because [the books] were dead...

The Dybbuk of Jewish Folklore

...a beyond the book article for Long Island Compromise
Taffy Brodesser-Akner's Long Island Compromise follows the Fletcher family, with their Jewish identity acting as one of the central themes. When someone in the family faces a mishap, they allude to a 'dybbuk' as the driving factor. A 'dybbuk,' or 'dibbuk,' in Jewish folklore is an evil spirit that takes possession of a person's body, and ...

The Women's National Book Association

...a beyond the book article for The Bookshop
In The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore, Evan Friss talks about one of the few women in the book trade in the early 20th century: Madge Jenison, who opened The Sunwise Turn bookshop in Manhattan in 1916. A year later, she joined 20,000 other women in a protest for women's suffrage, marching with her fellow female booksellers....

The Civil Rights Movement in Maine

...a beyond the book article for Promise
Rachel Eliza Griffiths' debut novel Promise is set in Maine at a time when the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was spreading to that state. Racial tensions were rising as white folks who resented calls for equality began viewing the presence of Blacks, no matter how few, as a threat to their existence.

Although racism...

The Legacy of the Fourteenth Amendment

...a beyond the book article for All the Sinners Bleed
In All the Sinners Bleed, as Titus Crown, first Black sheriff of Charon County, Virginia, faces down a group of Confederate Army reenactors parading through his town, he '[feels] his skin begin to crawl' and considers that 'the Fourteenth Amendment had passed over a hundred years ago' and 'racism was alive and well.' The juxtaposition of ...

The Mary McLeod Bethune Statue at the U.S. Capitol

...a beyond the book article for A Passionate Mind in Relentless Pursuit
As Noliwe Rooks rightly asserts in her book A Passionate Mind in Relentless Pursuit, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was a woman of many 'firsts.' Even though she died in 1955, Bethune made another historic first on July 13, 2022, when she became the first Black person to have a state-commissioned statue in the U.S. Capitol's National Statuary ...

Ultra-Processed Foods

...a beyond the book article for Pink Slime
Fernanda Trías's Pink Slime takes its title from the nickname of Meatrite, a fictional meat paste developed by the government to combat food shortages during an environmental collapse. Although set in an imagined near future, Trías's Meatrite could easily be inspired by the ultra-processed foods (UPFs) that have come to dominate...

Bookshare and Accessible Reading Sources

...a beyond the book article for The Country of the Blind
In The Country of the Blind, Andrew Leland sings the praises of Bookshare, an electronic repository of accessible-format books for the disabled. Bookshare was launched in 2001 by Jim Fruchterman, the leader of Benetech, a Palo Alto-based nonprofit that develops technologies to assist those with physical and learning disabilities. The ...

1940 U.S. Presidential Candidate Wendell Willkie

...a beyond the book article for The Golden Gate
The Golden Gate by Amy Chua begins with the murder of Walter Wilkinson, who is a fictionalized version of Wendell Willkie, a Republican presidential candidate who lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940. Wilkinson and Willkie both died in 1944, but their cause of death was vastly different — Willkie died of a heart attack instead of ...

Displacement and Migration as a Theme in Speculative Fiction

...a beyond the book article for There Is a Rio Grande in Heaven
In Ruben Reyes Jr.'s short story collection There Is a Rio Grande in Heaven, speculative fiction is a way to rediscover the experiences of first- and second-generation Latinx immigrants. Alternative history might commemorate the devastating effects of genocide or alienation while at the same time offering imaginative escape from them. ...

Slate Mining in America

...a beyond the book article for The Dark We Know
What does one name a fictional small town that once served as a hub for slate mining before its inevitable decline? Well, Slater, of course. In her novel The Dark We Know, Wen-yi Lee describes it as 'an old mining town sunk in a crater at the end of the road with nowhere to go beyond it but down.' Isadora Chang dreads returning there for ...

American Entertainers Visiting the Vietnam Warfront

...a beyond the book article for California Golden
In California Golden, Mindy has a transformative experience touring Vietnam during the war that makes her question her chosen career in show business. The Vietnam War was a transformative experience for America in the 1960s, impacting virtually everyone in some way. While the involvement of the United States in Vietnam was a profoundly ...

Mark Twain's Publication of Ulysses S. Grant's Memoirs

...a beyond the book article for The General and Julia
As recounted in Jon Clinch's The General and Julia, Samuel Clemens (who wrote under the alias Mark Twain) met President Ulysses S. Grant in the White House, introduced by a senator from Nevada. When the men crossed paths again after the end of Grant's presidency, they developed a friendship. Clemens frequently encouraged Grant to ...

Hippos in Literature

...a beyond the book article for Mina's Matchbox
In Mina's Matchbox, a book filled with quirky characters, Yōko Ogawa introduces one of her most memorable creations yet: Pochiko, a 35-year-old pygmy hippopotamus. Flying in the face of the species' reputation as aggressors, Pochiko has a sweet temperament, charming the novel's protagonist and the readers alike. But she is far from ...

Pets and Poverty

...a beyond the book article for Rethinking Rescue
It's a standard feel-good trope of countless viral YouTube videos and the central narrative of many animal rescue marketing campaigns: a suffering dog or cat found in a horrifying state—emaciated and filthy, abandoned, neglected, or abused—is saved by a heroic rescuer and adopted into a new, loving home where it lives happily ...

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  • Book Jacket: Becoming Earth
    Becoming Earth
    by Ferris Jabr
    The idea of Earth as one living, breathing organism is an age-old one, found in belief systems all ...
  • Book Jacket: Long Island Compromise
    Long Island Compromise
    by Taffy Brodesser-Akner
    Taffy Brodesser-Akner's second novel, Long Island Compromise, is centered around the Fletchers, a ...
  • Book Jacket: A Passionate Mind in Relentless Pursuit
    A Passionate Mind in Relentless Pursuit
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    The life of legendary American educator and Black civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-...

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