Grace Dean was a business reporter at Business Insider's London office between August 2020 and August 2024.

Her work focused on the restaurant industry, fast-food giants, retail trends, and the labor market. She also wrote about Google's work culture, gender equality in Iceland, layoffs at Calibrate, and truck drivers' experiences on the road.

Prior to joining Business Insider, Grace studied German & Business at Newcastle University and spent a year as the Editor-in-Chief of its student newspaper the Courier.

Here are some examples of her coverage:

Women in Iceland want you to know it's not a gender equality utopia

Fast food feels more expensive than ever before. Here's why.

Calibrate's CEO announced layoffs affecting over 150 staff on a Zoom call. Minutes later, their company laptops were wiped.

Starbucks workers say customers got ruder during the pandemic

Britain's charity stores are going upmarket

The no-frills tactics that help make Aldi so cheap

Private cleaning companies are turning down business because of staff shortages

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