Contract Vehicles

Specializing in Federal Government contracting

Contract Vehicles

Captital Consulting Corporation is a prime contractor on the following Federal Government contract vehicles.

We welcome new partners and strategic opportunities and look forward to forming mutually beneficial relationships. Please contact [email protected] with any questions regarding our contract vehicles.

GSA logo

GSA Professional Services Schedule

Contract Number: GS-00F-286CA

541611 Integrated Consulting Services
541810 ODC Other Direct Costs (ODCs); Expenses Other Than Direct Labor Hours
541820 Public Relations Services
561920 Convention and Tradeshow Planning Services
541613 Marketing Consulting Services/Challenges and Competition
NASA logo

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Contract

  • Contract Number: 80JSC022DA011 – Open Innovation BPA
  • IDIQ for challenges, innovation, and crowdsourcing

SAMHSA IDIQ Contract, Domains 4S and 6S

  • Contract Number: 283-17-7500
  • Domain 4S, Communications Projects
  • Domain 6S, Planning, Implementation, and Report Support Projects

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Contract

  • Contract Number: 75R60222A00019 – Logistical Support Services BPA
  • BPA for logistical support services
AHRQ logo

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) BPA Contract

  • Contract Number: HHSA290201600001B
  • Support for the National Advisory Council and Other AHRQ Conferences and Projects
PSC logo

Program Support Center IDIQ Contract

Research and Evaluation; Program, Policy, and Data Analysis; Publications Services; Web/Database Services; Program Support; Meeting Support

  • Contract Number: HHSP23320095609WC