DDoS Protected DNS hosting

DDoS Protected S
DDoS Protected M
Most popular
DDoS Protected L
? Anycast DNS:
? DDoS防禦: -
? DNS域: 1 5 50 400 無限
? DNS記錄: 50 200 2,000 20,000 無限
? DNS queries per month: i 500K i 5M i 200M 無限 無限
? 郵件轉發: 1 10 100 1,000 無限
? DNS Failover checks: - 1 2 3 無限
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24/7 Live chat support

DDoS Protected DNS hosting

Having a hard time protecting your DNS service from malicious DDoS attacks? ClouDNS DDoS Protected DNS service is the perfect solution for you. Our advanced technology prevents cyber criminals from bringing your IT infrastructure and mission-critical applications to a standstill.

With our team of experts, you can be sure that your service will stay online no matter the attack, and you can focus on developing your product without worrying about going down.

Don't let DDoS attacks put your business at risk! Invest in your security with our DDoS Protected DNS service today!

Benefits of DDoS Protected DNS

Free Forever
  • 4 Unicast DNS servers
  • 1 DNS zone
  • 50 DNS記錄
  • 500K DNS queries per month
  • 1 Mail forward
DDoS Protected S
  • +4 Anycast DNS servers
  • DDoS protection for DNS
  • 5 DNS域
  • 200 DNS記錄
  • 5M DNS queries per month
  • 1 DNS Failover check
  • 10 郵件轉發
  • Extended Features
Completely free trial. No credit cards required. No tricks.
Start Free 30-day Trial

Having a hard time protecting your DNS service from malicious DDoS attacks? ClouDNS DDoS Protected DNS service is the perfect solution for you. Our advanced technology prevents cyber criminals from bringing your IT infrastructure and mission-critical applications to a standstill.

With our team of experts, you can be sure that your service will stay online no matter the attack, and you can focus on developing your product without worrying about going down.

Don't let DDoS attacks put your business at risk! Invest in your security with our DDoS Protected DNS service today!

Benefits of DDoS Protected DNS

Managed DNS

A Managed DNS Provider allows users to manage their DNS traffic by using a web-based control panel. ClouDNS is a Managed DNS provider since 2010. Our mission is to provide the best DNS services on the planet. With 63 Anycast Data Centers on 6 continents, no other DNS hosting provider can compete with ClouDNS in price, performance, and overall ROI.

Cloud-based infrastructure

ClouDNS is designed to operate as cloud-based infrastructure service. Our self-developed system for synchronization and data distribution allows our customers to monitor in real time the DNS zones status at each location. Our infrastructure synchronizes your settings simultaneously across all POPs (points of presence), so no additional action is required from your side, once you set up your zones.

Professional Features and Tools

ClouDNS provides a large number of professional features and tools for Primary, Secondary and Reverse DNS. We support all types of DNS records and settings you need. Additionally, we provide E-mail Forwarding, Web Forwarding, Dynamic DNS, Domain parking, HTTP REST API, DNS statistics, zone sharing and much more.


DDoS attacks are on the rise in both frequency and severity. DDoS Protection is a must have feature for your DNS. We are providing both DDoS Protected DNS and GeoDNS into single service.

Uptime Guarantee

ClouDNS is the first DNS provider to guarantee up to 10,000% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA). For every minute of downtime, we will extend your account with a hundred.

24/7 Support

No matter what day, no matter when, we provide continuous, uninterrupted network monitoring and support. Our Technical Support team is online for you 24/7 by live chat and tickets. We can migrate your zones for free, read more here.

DDoS Protected S
DDoS Protected M
Most popular
DDoS Protected L
? Anycast DNS:
? DDoS防禦: -
? DNS域: 1 5 50 400 無限
? DNS記錄: 50 200 2,000 20,000 無限
? DNS queries per month: i 500K i 5M i 200M 無限 無限
? 郵件轉發: 1 10 100 1,000 無限
? DNS Failover checks: - 1 2 3 無限
? 輔域: -
? 動態DNS:
? SOA網域名稱設置: -
? Reverse DNS zones: - -
? Free SSL: - -
? ENUM DNS zones: - -
+ Basic Features
? Domain Parking:
? 迴圈DNS:
? Main DNS records:
? Yearly and monthly statistics:
? 網頁轉向:
? IDN support:
24/7 Live chat support:
+ Extended Features -
? Zone轉移: -
? Advanced DNS records: -
? 雲/批量 域: -
? TTL 管理: -
? DNS品牌: -
? Daily and Hourly statistics: -
? Dynamic DNS history: -
? 用框架轉向: -
? API: -
? Free zones migration: -
? Catch all for MF -
? Uptime SLA: - 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000%

Buy Now

Buy Now

Buy Now
Free Forever
  • 4 Unicast DNS servers
  • 1 DNS zone
  • 50 DNS記錄
  • 500K DNS queries per month
  • 1 Mail forward
DDoS Protected S
  • +4 Anycast DNS servers
  • DDoS protection for DNS
  • 5 DNS域
  • 200 DNS記錄
  • 5M DNS queries per month
  • 1 DNS Failover check
  • 10 郵件轉發
  • Basic Features
  • Extended Features
Completely free trial. No credit cards required. No tricks.
Start Free 30-day Trial
Most popular
DDoS Protected M
  • +4 Anycast DNS servers
  • DDoS protection for DNS
  • 50 DNS域
  • 2,000 DNS記錄
  • 200M DNS queries per month
  • 2 DNS Failover checks
  • 100 郵件轉發
  • Free SSL
  • Basic Features
  • Extended Features
Completely free trial. No credit cards required. No tricks.
Start Free 30-day Trial
DDoS Protected L
  • +4 Anycast DNS servers
  • DDoS protection for DNS
  • 400 DNS域
  • 20,000 DNS記錄
  • 無限 DNS queries per month
  • 3 DNS Failover checks
  • 1,000 郵件轉發
  • Free SSL
  • Basic Features
  • Extended Features
Completely free trial. No credit cards required. No tricks.
Buy Now
  • +4 Anycast DNS servers
  • DDoS protection for DNS
  • 無限 DNS域
  • 無限 DNS記錄
  • 無限 DNS queries per month
  • 無限 DNS Failover checks
  • 無限 郵件轉發
  • Free SSL
  • Extended Features

Available Addons

  • +200 DNS zones and +10,000 records for the DDoS Protected L plan for $9.95/月
  • Import of records by our technical support from custom non-bind format files costs $0.05 per record, minimum required payment $10.00
  • Dedicated Anycast IP addresses (4 IPv4 + 4 IPv6) with custom server names and PTRs for full white-label (vanity DNS) service - $25.00/月
  • +1000 Mail forwards for $5.00/月

DNS Failover upgrade options

  • +3 DNS Failover checks - $2.45/月
  • +5 DNS Failover checks - $3.45/月
  • +10 DNS Failover checks - $4.95/月
  • Over 10 checks - $2.00/月 for each 5 extra checks
  • More than 50 checks? Talk with our Sales Team at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions


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