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Review: Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta (Basilica di Torcello)

This small, 7th-century church doesn't look like much from the outside; the mosaics inside make up for that though.
  • Venice, Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta (Basilica di Torcello)


Venice, Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta (Basilica di Torcello)

What’s this place all about?With its off-kilter bell tower and simple brick exterior, Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, a small, 7th-century church, doesn't look like much from the outside. Inside, it's a Byzantine jewel box with glittering mosaics and floors covered with marble tiles. Three euros gets you in the door; an extra two gets you a to-the-point audioguide.

What’s it like being there?Because of the scale, the church falls somewhere between pleasantly cozy and awe-inspiring. On a sunny day, the light filtering in makes everything shimmer.

Who comes here?Historically inclined day trippers hitting up Torcello and Burano and long lunchers passing through while they wait for their water taxi to pick them up from Locanda Cipriani.

Did it meet expectations?This is one of the oldest buildings in the Veneto region, and it's an interesting example of the Byzantine style that influenced some of the city's later, grander structures, like St. Mark's Basilica.

So, then, what, or who, do you think it’s best for?If you're a fan of beautiful, peaceful churches, this well worth the handful of euros and the 15 minutes it takes to experience.

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