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Anthony Doerr

How an Apple Pie American Learned to Love French Macarons

Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Anthony Doerr's move to Paris made him reconsider the pastel-colored sweets.

Bora Bora: The Problem with Paradise

On an idyllic family vacation to Bora Bora, Anthony Doerr was certain he’d discovered heaven on earth. But then he began to wonder: When it comes to travel, can there be too much of a good thing?

A Letter from the Arctic: Hello From the Frozen North

We sent Anthony Doerr to the Arctic this month, to dive with polar bears and embrace the cold of northern Canada. He sent back this letter from the ice…

The Ultimate Arctic Expedition

Anthony Doerr traveled to the top of the world in search of the ultimate getaway. In the frozen wonderland of the Canadian Arctic, he camped on a four-foot-thick sheet of ice, jumped over frigid waters, and tracked the mythic narwhal.

Photos from the Road: Hiking Hawaii

The idea behind our Hawaii hiking trip was to step beyond the numbing luxury of a resort and see what we could of the island at a human pace: on foot. But we might be putting ourselves a little too far out of our comfort zone. Here are my own photos.

Discovering Hawaii's Big Island

Anthony Doerr explores Hawaii's Big Island and finds a savagely spectacular landscape of forbidden valleys, primal lava fields, and mysterious beaches strewn with gemstones.

A Guide to Hiking Volcanoes in Hawaii

Places & Prices: Anthony Doerr reports on how to make the most of your hike on the Big Island in Hawaii, from accommodations, to tips and must-see sites along the way.

The Paper Chase