Add extra information to an asset

By default, when uploading your media file as an asset to the Contentful platform, you can add a title and a description to it. If you would like to extend your media files with more information, we recommend creating a dedicated content type for them.

When creating a dedicated content type, you can select and add fields to it to fill in your desired properties. For example, you can add fields for SEO or alternative text.

NOTE: To learn how to create a content type and add fields to it, please refer to steps 3 and 4 of the Beginner's guide to Contentful.

When creating a dedicated content type for your media files, please consider the following:

  • Add a Reference field to your dedicated content type for linking your media file.

  • Your media file will always be uploaded as an asset and displayed under the Media tab.

  • The entry containing the reference to the asset and its additional information will be displayed under the Content tab.

NOTE: You can also assign your assets with tags that are used to group content and allocate it between the teams of contributors. To learn more about tags, see Tags.