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The 30 Best Pilates Workout Videos You Can Find on YouTube Right Now

QQ: How many times are you willing to hear the word “pulse”?

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pilates workouts

I know "gentle" and "hardcore" aren't really words that go together—and for good reason! But please believe me when I say that, uh, Pilates is kinda the perfect? blend? of both?

You may be a cardio (read: sweat) junkie or a lifter who won't leave the gym until their muscles are shaking. Even so, I think it's time to introduce you to these calm, intense, grounding, and muscle-burning Pilates workouts. It doesn't hurt to switch it up, right?

Before you say "Eh, not really my thing!" lemme just flag that the below workouts are all free, free, free. Thank you, YouTube gods. And assuming you already got your Bachelorette fix in and attempted to box dye your hair once, maybe twice, checking out these YouTube videos probably isn't such a bad idea on an otherwise boring Tuesday night.

Whether you’re new to the exercise and just want something to do, or you’re a total pro who lives and breathes reformers, these Pilates workout videos will actually kick your butt. Don't worry, cute, comfy leggings will help with the pain. :)

So what are the benefits of Pilates, anyway?

There are *a lot*. "Pilates builds core stability, which supports balance, flexibility, and muscle endurance," says lululemon MIRROR Trainer Patricia Sabulis, who's also a Pilates and yoga instructor. You're gonna feel it, specifically because you're developing strength in alll the muscles, including the one surrounding your hips and spine to contribute to healthy movement of those joints. "It can reduce chronic pain and serve as injury prevention," adds Sabulis (or if it's too late for that, keep scrolling for a Pilates workout geared toward foot injuries).

Not to mention, it enhances pelvic floor strength, according to Sabulis, which is honestly good for everyone, but especially beneficial during pregnancy and postpartum when those muscles tend to loosen. And probably the best part of Pilates is that it helps you connect your mind, body, and breath—aka reach that Zen you've been chasing from doing a workout in the first place.


If you’re not sure what Pilates is

We're starting out with an oldie but a goodie (2011, baby!). During the 30-minute beginner workout from YouTube Pilates queen Cassey Ho of Blogilates, you’ll focus on the fundamentals of Pilates, like breathing, posture, and form. Consider it Pilates 101.


If you realllly need to stretch before you do Pilates

For anyone whose hamstrings are even close to as tight as mine are (why does this happen?) you're probably gonna need to pregame your Pilates workout with a full-body stretch. And thankfully, there's trainer Toni Mitchell to help with that. She'll help you open up the hips, loosen up those quads, and yes, even lengthen the hamstrings in just 13 minutes.


If you're on your period and don't feel like moving

On day one or two of your cycle, you may not even wanna get out of bed, but if you're feeling mentally motivated to move a lil bit, this 50-minute class from Flow with Mira is the way to go. You'll stay low to the ground with lots of twists and quad stretches, and even some yoga-inspired cat-cow movement. Guaranteed your cramps will feel ever-so-slightly better after this one.

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If you're working with an inconvenient injury

Just when you thought you couldn't do Pilates with a walking boot, we're here to prove ya wrong. Instructor Kim Saha will walk you through a workout that tends to a foot or ankle injury. It's mostly floor work with a few modified planks, but it'll def feel like you just completed a half hour workout afterward.


If you need a go-to pregnancy workout

Doctors say you can pretty much do any workout you were used to doing pre-pregnancy while you're pregnant, but maybe you don't feel like doing kettlebell squats while you're housing another human in your body. Regardless, you have options: like this gentle 23-minute video that's safe for all trimesters. You don't need anything except a mat and some cozy maternity leggings.


If you use a wheelchair (or wanna do a quick workout in your desk chair)

Real talk: There needs to be more adaptive workouts (!). Bc there's no reason you can't join in with a Pilates vid from your wheelchair (or seated in any chair). This one from Pilates Nest focuses on strengthening your upper body and giving your torso a good stretch—and you *will* feel it, especially in those triceps.

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If you wanna work out with bae

Okay, hear us out: Make date night a ~tandem Pilates workout~ in your living room and see where the night takes you. Prepare to be v in sync as you connect your feet for bridges, bicycles, and sit-ups. (This one isn't set to music, but also feel free to curate some sexy songs on a workout playlist for you and your partner.) Btw, totally acceptable to invite your BFF over instead.


If you're a solid intermediate in Pilates

So this isn't your first Pilates class...Instructor Jessica Valant will lead you through what feels like a sh*t ton of leg lifts and even a wheel pose thrown in there, but we have faith that you can handle this one.


If you need a cool down stretch

JIC your Pilates workout was closer to the cardio end of the spectrum, we gotchu with this full-body cool down video. It's only a quick 10 minutes, but Studio Jibby squeezes in 25 different stretches that'll help you transition out of your workout, and may even help your split if you're working on that.

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If you don't want to fully commit to ab day

This Isa Welly video adds an ab-focused workout to this full-body video. (Side note: This is what Hannah Montana wrote "Best of Both Worlds" about, right?) It's for all levels and there are absolutely zero weights or other props required. Oh, and it's the length of a Friends rerun, so do with that information what you will.


If you're feeling meh

I woke up the other morning completely unmotivated to work out, but knew that I wanted to move my body before signing on for work. Enter: This incredibly chill-but-you-still-feel-accomplished-and-ripped sesh. Want to use ankle weights? Go ahead! But the instructor, Callie, puts absolutely no pressure on you to add them.


If you sit at a desk all day

Okay, I know it's *technically* a yoga video, but Jessamyn Stanley's flow is the perfect way to open your hips after working a long day. It's just over 20 minutes so you can even combine it with a shorter Pilates class from this list if you're feeling frisky.

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If you woke up an hour before your alarm

I know an hour-long class is a commitment but certified Pilates instructor Hannah will get you to activate all the muscles in your body. Once you've tried this guy, I highly recommend taking a peep through her library. She's all about listening to your body, taking rest days (blessings), and building your Pilates practice in whatever way makes sense for you.


If you have less than 10 minutes before your next meeting

It's quick, it's effective, and unless your AC is broken in 90-degree weather, you won't break a major sweat. Isa Welly (remember her from #2?) also breaks out the downward dog within the first minute, which is a win in my book. Perfect for mid-day breaks without letting your boss know—shhh, I won't tell.


If you want to feel ~zen~ in the mountains

Pretend like you’re getting some fresh air while doing Boho Beautiful’s core Pilates workout. Her video just happens to be set in the dreamiest mountainous landscape. (How do I make this my Zoom background?)

The workout is only 15-minutes total, but you won't be able to giggle at any TikTok vids without feeling a ping in your abs for at least a couple of days.

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If you want a total body workout

Um, 25 minutes toning my abs, glutes, and biceps sounds like time well spent. And with this vid from instructor Nicole, you’ll do just that. You'll also be weirdly motivated to find a cute outdoor spot to plop your Pilates mat.


If your back needs help, like, now

Bingeing all of the things got your lower back feeling some type of way? This EFIT 30 video will help ya out. You're in for 15 minutes of core work and Katie's insanely soothing voice.


If you actually wanna break a sweat

This 35-minute workout requires zero equipment and includes both a warm-up and post-workout stretch. Don’t let the basic white backdrop fool you. Kelli’s sequence of lower-body moves (which includes clamshells and traveling hip bridges) doesn’t have much rest time, so you’re sure to get drippy.

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If you want tons of core work

Even the warm-up in this video will set your abs on fire right away. You'll run through everything from glute bridges to bicycles to side planks to turn up the burn. The good news for your core muscles is that it'll be over in just 20 minutes.


If music motivates you

Master trainer Deanna Dorman’s 20-minute Pilates flow (aka a super-graceful, fluid sequence of moves) builds strength all over with exercises like single-leg hip bridges, which are no joke, and plenty of stretching. I’m not sure what I love more, the background EDM elevator music or that cute yoga mat. Add. To. Cart.

Headshot of Lauren Del Turco, CPT
Lauren is a freelance writer and editor, an American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer, and the Fitness & Wellness Editor of Women’s Health. You’ll find her hiking, lifting weights, working on her downward dog, or perusing the farmer’s market.
Headshot of Taylor Andrews
Taylor Andrews
Former Sex & Relationships Editor

Taylor is the former Sex and Relationships editor who can tell you exactly which vibrators are worth the splurge, why you’re still dreaming about your ex, and tips on how to have the best sex of your life (including what word you should spell with your hips during cowgirl sex). You can follow her on Instagram here

Headshot of Sarah Weldon
Sarah Weldon
Associate Lifestyle Editor

Sarah is the associate lifestyle editor at Cosmopolitan where she covers food, home, health, career...basically all the things you love to love — follow her on Instagram

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