Sometimes I feel like a frozen pea: tight, rigid, rolling all too quickly from A to B. I’d much rather be like a plump canned peach, soaking contentedly in my own juice. The latter—that feeling of comfortable self-awareness—is basically what happens when you tap into and work with (not against!) your zodiac sign's element. Part of your core astrological personality, it’s a force that helps you understand how you react to stress and what you can do to best manage that stress. Here, the four kinds of elemental energies and how you can achieve your own particular peach-like status.

Earth Signs

You’re kind of like the mom of the group chat: stable and reliable. Those same earthy vibes also make you, ahem, sensual (*Alexa, play sex playlist*) and tactile. Which is why Aliza Kelly says you should reconnect with your physical senses when things get fraught: “Do a full-body scan. Plant your feet on the ground and take inventory of what you’re touching and hearing and the places in your body where you’re feeling tense.” Getting out of your thoughts and into your bod is your fastest way to calm.

Meet the earth signs:

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're hard-working, practical, and just a little but stubborn, but you also have a love of luxury—think fine art, fancy meals, silk sheets, beautiful bouquets, etc. (And that's just what you expect on a first date).

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You're detail-oriented, organized, and analytical. You're also just a lil neurotic and maybe a tiny bit of a hypochondriac. Besides being super-smart, you're super-caring as well. You'd def win the #1 Best Friend/Partner/Child/Parent/Sib award, and not just because you love to win.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You're maybe the most ambitious sign of the zodiac. Your five-year plans have five-year plans. You're the type of person the word "go-getter" was invented for. In fact, your drive can be kinda scary? Luckily you're also super-loyal and super-hilarious.


Have you ever looked at a fire and thought, Wow, how boring. Next! Ofc not, because fires—and you—are quite literally lit. But that same passionate energy also means you can be temperamental, burning loved ones when you’re in a mood. When your sparks start flying, try to be intentional about where you direct that energy, says Kelly. Channel it into a project or activity instead—put that flame to good use, fire ppl!

Meet the fire signs:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're both the leader of the zodiac and the baby of the zodiac...meaning you love to boldly try new things, but you might throw a tiny tantrum if things don't go your way. You're passionate, brave, and have a bit of a temper, but you forgive just as easily as you get mad.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You're ready for your close-up! You're the celeb of the zodiac, always happy in the spotlight. People like to talk about how much you love attention, but they don't say enough about how creative your soul is or how sweet and caring you are as a friend.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 23)

Pack your bags, Sag, because you're always on the go. You're *the* sign of travel, and you also love big ideas and themes. You're naturally lucky and optimistic, but you do have a habit of speaking before you fully think things through.


So you’ve probably left someone (or 12 someones) on read recently. Yep, you’re fun to follow but incredibly hard to pin down. And being all over the place (in the best way, bb, the best way) makes the whole self-awareness thing a lil complicated. When you feel off-center, embrace your love of talk and check in with someone close to you. Getting an outside perspective can help tame your hurricane of thoughts into a gentle breeze.

Meet the air signs:

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

You're represented by the Twins, and you have two people's worth of thoughts, emotions, activity, and opinions. Some people call you "fake" or "two-faced," but you're just super-smart, quick-witted, and fast-moving. You didn't lie, you just changed your mind!

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Represented by the Scales, you're always trying to find balance, which makes you both very fair-minded and kinda indecisive. You're also naturally stylish, flirtatious, and a people-pleaser. You're a social butterfly!

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Ooh, you're cool, Aquarius. You're a rebel with a cause, unafraid to stand out from the crowd or champion a social cause. You're incredibly smart and also very creative, and you care deeply about others while valuing your independence.


No surprise that you are prone to tears, care immensely about people, and are super close to your loved ones. You can also pretty easily drown in your own emotions before crawling into your shell. When you feel overwhelmed, try pinpointing the exact cause of your stress and then examining how you feel about it before acting. “Don’t judge these emotions,” says Kelly. “Use them like hydraulics to fuel positive action.”

Meet the water signs:

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Feeling crabby? Like the crustacean that represents you, you're all about home, you can be a lil moody, and you tase delicious when covered in garlic butter sauce...okay, scratch that last one. But you are all about comfort—your home, your comfort, and your loved ones are all v. important to you.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You're the goth of the zodiac, Scorpio. You're into deep, intense sh*t like sex, death, mysteries, and transformation. But although you can be intimidating to others, your close friends know that, under your leather jacket, you're a total softie.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You're the last sign of the zodiac, and therefore the oldest and wisest. You're also incredibly sensitive, imaginative, and tend to have your head in the clouds. People come to you when they need good, nonjudgmental advice from someone who cares.

Headshot of Mia Lardiere
Mia Lardiere
Emerging Platforms Director

Mia Lardiere (she/her) is Cosmopolitan’s emerging platforms director, who oversees Cosmo’s Snapchat Discover channels, TikTok page, and special projects. She works with TikTok influencers and IRL experts to craft excellent educational content. She also occasionally contributes fitness and lifestyle articles. In her spare time, she runs with the Brooklyn Track Club and awaits the day that she will become a mom to a mini sheepadoodle.  

Headshot of Erika W. Smith
Erika W. Smith
Senior Astrology Editor

Erika W. Smith (she/her) is the current Senior Astrology Editor at Cosmopolitan. In her 4+ years at Cosmo, she's worked on everything from editing weekly horoscopes, to reporting on how astrology influences album release dates, to launching The Cosmo Tarot. Before joining Cosmopolitan in 2020, she worked at Refinery29, HelloGiggles, and BUST magazine. Her book series Astrosex: How to Have the Best Sex According to Your Star Sign was published in 2021. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @erikawynn.