As someone who wasn’t blessed with the weird-flexing ability to remember my dreams the next morning, I now make a conscious effort to jot them down before I go back to sleep. That being said, when I wake up and take a look, those scribbled thoughts look like: “Teeth falling out. Ow” and “Naked at work, wtf.” Big yikes. The good news is, these types of dreams are totally normal. And before you freak out, dreams about your exes are too.

“When we dream, the psyche is processing information on many levels. Sometimes the psyche is simply ‘processing and filing’ information that has not been given attention during waking hours,” says clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, PhD. “The psyche is working through information on a symbolic level—to which the person in the dream is simply a representation of a certain issue.”

So, no, dreaming about the ex you took to homecoming your freshman year of high school doesn’t necessarily mean you need to slide back into his or her DMs. Then again, maybe you have an underlying issue with them that you do need to address—in which case, you should absolutely slide on back (I don’t make the rules, Freud does). But if you want to decode a specific dream about an ex, here are the 10 most common ones and what they may mean for you:

You went to pound town in dreamland with your ex.

Um, so this is awkward. You probably woke up in a cold sweat wondering why the f*ck you just had sex with your ex who couldn’t even make you orgasm in the first place. “In general, this may mean that you want to have a connection with your ex—or at least some aspect of your ex,” says Manly. This doesn’t mean you fully want to “u up?” them, but mayyybe you just want to catch up and grab some super chill coffee.

Your ex is literally ignoring you.

This one is a bit more obvious, but it probably means that you have the perception that your ex is ignoring you. If they just recently blocked you or removed you from their social media profiles, this could def be the culprit. “This could also mean that you’re ignoring something from that past relationship that needs to come into awareness,” says Manly.

You’re fighting with your ex. Again. What’s new?

Considering this person is an ex for a reason, things were probably left, shall I say, not on the best terms? Perhaps from an argument? “Fighting with an ex in a dream can be about resolving the vestiges of an actual fight with an ex,” says Manly. TL;DR: You’re still pissed they missed your cousin’s wedding and they never apologized.

Your ex is cheating on you.

Okay, it’s one thing to have this happen to you IRL…but to see it in a dream? Yikes. “This type of dream can allow the psyche to process feelings of betrayal,” says Manly. So maybe they didn’t cheat, but you still feel betrayed they picked their bros over you that one Saturday night (FWIW: totally justified).

You are getting back together with them.

Again, you probably just low-key miss them. It doesn’t necessarily mean you want to get back together with them—more that you miss their family and sending each other dog memes. “This could also mean the dreamer is reconnecting with an important part of the self that was cast aside during the relationship or in the present,” says Manly.

You high-key miss them.

Whether this is true in your actual life or just during your snooze fest, this dream is a natural way for the psyche to process the loss of an ended relationship says Manly. “It could be that the dreamer feels a certain amount of personal identity was ‘lost’ in the relationship.”

They miss you.

“Such a dream can indicate that the dreamer desires to be wanted and missed,” says Manly. I’m no psychic, but if I had to guess, your love language is probably words of affirmation, huh? But anyway, again, don’t focus on the fact that your ex was in this dream; you could be ready for desire and attention elsewhere (read: a bunch of Tinder matches sending you The Office pickup lines).

You meet your ex’s new S.O. who you had “nothing to worry about” while in the relationship. Sure, Jan.

If your ex in reality is with someone new, this probs means that you’re feeling replaced and rejected. But if not, meeting the future new bae of someone (who once meant a lot to you) can be a super-anxiety-inducing experience. “The psyche sometimes works out possible responses beforehand to use the dream as a forum,” says Manly. Basically, your dream is prepping you for the inevitable that will happen. Kind of cool, huh?

Your ex died.

Look, we’re going to forget about that one time when you told your ex in a screaming fight you wish you never had to see their face again…because then, this dream would be way too damn eerie. “This dream indicates that the dreamer is ready to let go of the ex. The attachment to the ex has died.” If you don’t think this tracks and you’re still checking their SnapChat location on the reg, “it could also mean the dreamer’s sense of being vulnerable to love and a new relationship has died,” she says.

Your ex is, like, really sick—on deathbed sick.

Girl, you probably need some more time healing. “A dream in which an ex is ill often indicates an awareness in the psyche that there was a part of the relationship, the ex, or the dreamer, that was ailing and in need of support or healing,” says Manly. Maybe it’s time to delete the five dating apps you downloaded hours after the breakup....

So, okay, there you have it. But before you come out of your next dream thinking you need to address something with your ex ASAP, know this: “Every item or symbol in a dream may have a vastly different meaning for each dreamer. Although commonalities do occur, the dreamer needs to place the symbol in the context of his or her own personal history,” says Manly. Don’t assume everything just based off of these decodings—if your ex really is just an ex, you probably just had a weird dream, mmkay?

Headshot of Taylor Andrews
Taylor Andrews
Former Sex & Relationships Editor

Taylor is the former Sex and Relationships editor who can tell you exactly which vibrators are worth the splurge, why you’re still dreaming about your ex, and tips on how to have the best sex of your life (including what word you should spell with your hips during cowgirl sex). You can follow her on Instagram here