When it comes to games - whether drinking games or organised fun - Never Have I Ever is up there as one of our all-time favourites. Yes, it might have been a high school or university classic, but that's not to say it can't be enjoyed post-education too, and is perfect for whipping out when you feel like digging deep into some secrets.

Whether you’re hosting pre-drinks and want to get the conversation flowing, or you’re at an afters and everyone is tipsy enough to get extra honest (remember, that wine can be like truth serum), there’s never a dull minute with this game.

So, with a raucous Thursday night in mind, here's our ultimate list of the best Never Have I Ever questions (including the juicy ones, but also some easy ones too), to see you through your next evening of fun.

Then, when you’re done never-have-i-ever-ing, why not get your teeth stuck into some other house party classics, like Ring of Fire, Would You Rather, or Truth or Dare?

How to play Never Have I Ever

This one's fairly self-explanatory, but we'll take you through it anyway. Everyone sits around in a circle, taking it in turns to say "Never have I ever..." (usually something they haven't done). If you've done the thing, you drink - and prepare for an onslaught of questions from your mates.

While it's traditionally played with alcohol, that doesn't have to be the case - you can just use the questions as a way to dig deep with each other, and reveal you've done or not done the thing to each other in a different way.


never have i ever drinking game questionspinterest
Henrik Sorensen//Getty Images

When to play Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a great way to break the ice with a group of strangers, whether you're meeting friends of friends, at freshers' week or maybe have joined a new club of sorts.

Or, how about using it as a way to get to know your mates a little bit better? The true reason for playing Never Have I Ever is often digging deep into your friends' secrets and personal lives, and we're always in the market for a little bit of gossip. So without further ado...

Best Never Have I Ever questions

      1. Never have I ever got a tattoo
      2. Never have I ever stood someone up on a date
      3. Never have I ever had a speeding ticket
      4. Never have I ever ghosted someone
      5. Never have I ever lied to get out of going to work
      6. Never have I ever given a fake name
      7. Never have I ever been in love
      8. Never have I ever had a terrible breakup
      9. Never have I ever dumped someone over text
      10. Never have I ever been sick on public transport
      11. Never have I ever lied to someone in this room
      12. Never have I ever texted an ex out of nowhere
      13. Never have I ever lied on a dating app
      14. Never have I ever shoplifted
      15. Never have I ever been refused entry to a club
      16. Never have I ever had a holiday romance
      17. Never have I ever said 'I love you' when I didn't mean it
      18. Never have I ever noticed someone in this room is phoning me, and ignored it
      19. Never have I ever been mugged
      20. Never have I ever broken a bone
      21. Never have I ever gone on a blind date
      22. Never have I ever stolen anything
      23. Never have I ever been cheated on
      24. Never have I ever dined and dashed
      25. Never have I ever trespassed
      26. Never have I ever spent more than £200 on a night out
      27. Never have I ever pulled an all nighter
      28. Never have I ever cheated on a test or exam
      29. Never have I ever hitchhiked a ride
      30. Never have I ever snuck into a concert or musical festival
      31. Never have I ever lied to my boss
      32. Never have I ever edited my selfies
      33. Never have I ever returned something after I'd already worn it
      34. Never have I ever skipped class
      35. Never have I ever travelled solo
      36. Never have I ever been in love
      37. Never have I ever been catfished
      38. Never have I ever lied in a job interview
      39. Never have I ever pretend I was someone I'm not
      40. Never have I ever not paid a train fare
      41. Never have I ever pretended I was ill as an excuse
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      Funny Never Have I Ever questions

      1. Never have I ever catfished someone
      2. Never have I ever peed in the shower
      3. Never have I ever stalked an ex's new partner on social media
      4. Never have I ever been thrown out of a bar, club or party
      5. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping
      6. Never have I ever been sick on my someone
      7. Never have I ever kissed a celebrity
      8. Never have I ever DMed a celebrity
      9. Never have I ever been to a nudist beach
      10. Never have I ever peed in public
      11. Never have I ever lied about kissing someone
      12. Never have I ever got locked out of my house
      13. Never have I ever not worn underwear on a night out
      14. Never have I ever dropped my phone down a toilet
      15. Never have I ever not eaten before a night out to get more drunk
      16. Never have I ever forgotten where I parked my car
      17. Never have I ever used a pick up line
      18. Never have I ever cut my own hair
      19. Never have I ever ripped my clothes in public
      20. Never have I ever thrown up when drunk
      21. Never have I ever given a fake number
      22. Never have I ever worn something out of my dirty laundry
      23. Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed myself
      24. Never have I ever flirted my way out of trouble
      25. Never have I ever turned up to work drunk
      26. Never have I ever secretly taken a photo of someone
      27. Never have I ever lied about losing a ticket
      28. Never have I ever pretended I was asleep
      29. Never have I ever spied on a conversation
      30. Never have I ever lied about my name
      31. Never have I ever gone to the shops in my PJs
      32. Never have I ever turned up uninvited somewhere
      33. Never have I ever crashed a wedding
      34. Never have I ever broken the law
      35. Never have I ever tried to guess someone’s password
      36. Never have I ever pretended to have an argument in the shower
      37. Never have I ever got a tattoo I regret
      38. Never have I ever blamed something I did on my sibling
      39. Never have I ever clogged a toilet
      40. Never have I ever napped at a party

      Weird Never Have I Ever questions

      1. Never have I ever used someone else's toothbrush
      2. Never have I ever lied to leave the club early
      3. Never have I ever eaten leftover food that's probably gone off
      4. Never have I ever paid for a gym class and not attended
      5. Never have I ever caught my parents having sex
      6. Never have I ever pretended to be someone else
      7. Never have I ever ignored someone I knew in public
      8. Never have I ever Googled my own name
      9. Never have I ever fancied a friend's parent
      10. Never have I ever given a partner an embarrassing pet name
      11. Never have I ever created a fake Instagram to stalk someone
      12. Never have I ever fake-cried to get something
      13. Never have I ever recreated an I'm a Celeb... Get Me Out Of Here! eating trial
      14. Never have I ever pretended to be on the phone
      15. Never have I ever eaten dog or cat food
      16. Never have I ever picked out a wedgie in public
      17. Never have I ever eaten what I knew was someone else's food
      18. Never have I ever done something so bad in public that I still cringe to think about it
      19. Never have I ever been attracted to a cartoon character
      20. Never have I ever eaten a bogey
      21. Never have I ever not worn deodorant
      22. Never have I ever Googled myself
      23. Never have I ever hidden from someone I live with
      24. Never have I ever bitten my toenails
      25. Never have I ever treated a pet like a baby
      26. Never have I made a social media account to see if my partner would cheat
      27. Never have I ever popped someone else's spot
      28. Never have I ever peed myself from laughing too hard
      29. Never have I ever eaten something gross
      30. Never have I ever pretended I was guest of a talk show

      Never Have I Ever questions for friends

      1. Never have I ever ruined an item of clothing I borrowed from a friend
      2. Never have I ever used someone else’s Netflix account
      3. Never have I ever re-gifted a present I didn’t want
      4. Never have I ever used a fake ID to get into a club
      5. Never have I ever forgotten a friend's birthday
      6. Never have I ever toilet-papered someone's house
      7. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend's sibling
      8. Never have I ever gone to a party I wasn’t invited to
      9. Never have I ever been to a hen party or stag party
      10. Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me
      11. Never have I ever auditioned for a reality TV show
      12. Never have I ever lied to my parents about staying at a friend's house
      13. Never have I ever lied to get out of plans with friends
      14. Never have I ever jumped into a pool with clothes on
      15. Never have I ever cut my own bangs
      16. Never have I ever lied to someone about how cute their baby was
      17. Never have I ever cried at work
      18. Never have I ever eaten someone else's lunch from the office fridge
      19. Never have I ever played strip poker
      20. Never have I ever travelled to a foreign country
      21. Never have I ever dated or hooked up with someone 10 years older
      22. Never have I ever dated or hooked up with someone 5 years younger
      23. Never have I ever convinced a friend to dump a partner
      24. Never have I ever convinced a partner to dump a friend
      25. Never have I ever been a maid of honour
      26. Never have I ever thought a friend's baby was ugly
      27. Never have I ever fancied my best friend
      28. Never have I ever fancied my best friend's sibling
      29. Never have I ever lied to someone in this room
      30. Never have I ever hooked up with someone in this room
      31. Never have I ever purposely left someone on read
      32. Never have I ever borrowed something from a friend without asking
      33. Never have I ever pretended to be my friend
      34. Never have I ever forgotten someones name after meeting them multiple times
      35. Never have I ever thrown a surprise party
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      Smile//Getty Images
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      Conor Luddy Unsplash/ Alen Karso Unsplash

      Juicy Never Have I Ever questions

      1. Never have I ever had sex in a public place
      2. Never have I ever broken up with someone by text
      3. Never have I ever cheated on anyone
      4. Never have I ever gone on more than one date in a day
      5. Never have I ever given out a fake phone number
      6. Never have I ever slipped into someone's DMs
      7. Never have I ever fancied someone in this room
      8. Never have I ever kissed a friend's sibling
      9. Never have I ever been in an open relationship
      10. Never have I ever lied in this game
      11. Never have I ever been arrested
      12. Never have I ever ghosted someone for something tiny and unimportant
      13. Never have I ever told someone’s secret
      14. Never have I ever done a nude streak in public
      15. Never have I ever looked through my partner’s phone
      16. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person
      17. Never have I ever said the wrong name in bed
      18. Never have I ever gone out with a friend's ex
      19. Never have I ever had a friend with benefits
      20. Never have I ever slept with someone whose name I don't know
      21. Never have I ever been to a sex shop
      22. Never have I ever had a threesome
      23. Never have I ever joined the 'mile high' club
      24. Never have I ever sent a sexy selfie
      25. Never have I ever had sex in the sea/a swimming pool
      26. Never have I ever had a one night stand
      27. Never have I ever faked an orgasm
      28. Never have I ever flashed someone
      29. Never have I ever given or received a lap dance
      30. Never have I ever slept with a co-worker
      31. Never have I ever gone back to an ex
      32. Never have I ever been 'walked in on' while having sex
      33. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone in this room
      34. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone the people in this room know
      35. Never have I ever had a favourite sex toy
      36. Never have I ever role-played in bed
      37. Never have I ever eaten food off a partner
      38. Never have I ever sucked my partner’s toes
      39. Never have I ever done the walk of shame
      40. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone else when I was in a relationship
      41. Never have I ever Googled sex positions
      42. Never have I ever had a sexy nickname / given someone a sexy nickname
      43. Never have I ever kissed more than one person in one day
      44. Never have I ever had to hide a love bite
      45. Never have I ever had a sex fantasy
      46. Never have I ever played strip poker
      47. Never have I ever snuck someone into the house
      48. Never have I ever acted out my sex fantasy
      49. Never have I ever used handcuffs or something similar
      50. Never have I ever sent a nude picture or video
      51. Never have I ever mooned someone
      52. Never have I ever been attracted to a cartoon character
      53. Never have I ever fantasied about someone in this room
      54. Never have I ever gone commando
      55. Never have I ever kissed a friend's ex
      56. Never have I ever helped a stranger
      57. Never have I ever been in trouble with the police
      58. Never have I ever lied to a partner about where I've been
      59. Never have I ever had a mind blank from being drunk
      60. Never have I ever forgotten a partner's birthday

      Easy Never Have I Ever questions

      1. Never have I ever had an argument with a sibling
      2. Never have I ever forgotten someone's name
      3. Never have I ever eaten a whole packet of sweets in one sitting
      4. Never have I ever had fast food after a night out
      5. Never have I ever had a hangover
      6. Never have I ever smashed a phone by accident
      7. Never have I ever snuck into a nightclub
      8. Never have I ever played a musical instrument
      9. Never have I ever cooked someone a meal
      10. Never have I ever ridden a bicycle
      11. Never have I ever learned a dance routine from TikTok
      12. Never have I ever had a screen-time over four hours a day
      13. Never have I ever spent the whole day in bed
      14. Never have I ever been nostalgic for school days
      15. Never have I ever won a board game
      16. Never have I ever completed a puzzle
      17. Never have I ever lied about my age
      18. Never have I ever run a half marathon
      19. Never have I ever forgotten a parent's birthday
      20. Never have I ever cried over a sports' result
      21. Never have I ever pretended to be someone else
      22. Never have I ever pretended my phone ran out of battery
      23. Never have I ever failed my driving test

      Consider your next night out sorted, and a LOT of newfound knowledge about your flatmates! Anyone else feel like they now need a lie down?



      Sophie Leen is the Bookings Editor for Cosmopolitan UK and Women's Health UK. She specialises in creating fashion and shopping content across both digital and print platforms, as well as producing all of our fashion editorial photoshoots, which have included our digital cover with Olly Alexander and our curve influencer’s letter to the high street story. Sophie also looks after our Try Before You Train franchise where our team have tested and reviewed over 100 gymwear items.