I have been reading, teaching, creating, and using tarot cards for over 25 years now, and I can genuinely say the practice has changed my life (not least as I now make my living doing this full time) and my personality… for the better. Tarot is something that anyone can do. You don’t need to be psychic, a witch, particularly intuitive or creative, and you don’t need to ‘believe’ in it.

The cards are simply an information system, one which has developed across Europe over the last 500 years or so. A repository of human wisdom and life experience expressed visually in 78 cards.

What is tarot?

Tarot is a consistent system - there are always 78 cards, four suits, 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. So you can pick up ANY deck, anywhere in the world, and the system will be the same. You only need to learn it once.

The 22 major arcana are the ‘power cards’ and contain the archetypal icons (such as Death, The Devil, The Hermit etc) which represent external events, unseen forces or influences, fortune and destiny. Life changing stuff.

The 56 minor arcana cards represent events, choices and actions within your own control, the everyday and humdrum stuff we all have to deal with regularly. The minor arcana is split into four suits, each with cards one – 10, and then four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King. The suits are:

  • Wands (covering lifestyle, education, travel, creativity)
  • Coins or Pentacles (covering money, home, work, health)
  • Swords (covering ideas, opinions, conflict)
  • Cups (covering emotions, relationships, love)

The four suits also link up with the astrological elements (which helps you answer ‘who?’ and ‘when?’ questions). Wands is fire, Coins is earth, Swords is air, and Cups is water.

What can tarot cards be used for?

A number of different things, but mainly people consider them for uses like:

  • Predicting the future
  • Making decisions
  • Stimulating creativity
  • Brainstorming
  • Getting an objective second opinion on a situation
  • Assessing a relationship
  • Analysing the past
  • Putting a new lens on something
  • And much more. You can, quite literally, ask the cards ANYTHING.

I have found that doing tarot every day has synched me into this centuries-old source of human wisdom. IRL, I am a Gemini - quite catty, gossipy, judgmental, and cynical. When clients come with their situations, my spontaneous, immediate take on it is often quite black and white.

However, when I get my cards out and study their situation with them, a totally new voice, mood, understanding, and empathy emerges. Nothing is black and white. We all live in the shades of grey, and tarot is my navigation tool. It helps me think broader, deeper, and kinder. Less judgment, more understanding. Tarot has made me a better person.

When can you use tarot cards?

You can use the cards daily, weekly, on a Full Moon, on your birthday and at New Year. Basically, whenever! My top tips for getting into a regular, easy, and rewarding practice include getting the right deck for you - make sure it has story-type pictures (not just visuals of Wands or Swords) on every card so they all resonate with you.

How do you read tarot cards?

  • Keep it simple. Ask one question per card, and pull no more than 1 – 3 cards to start with (with a clear question aligned to each card).
  • Write down your interpretations so you can return to your readings as you learn more about the cards and you witness events unfolding.
  • Be open to doing intuitive readings. This is where you don’t need the literal card meanings, you just ‘say what you see’. Base your interpretation on the symbolism, memories, resonance, associations, emotions, and questions the card’s imagery provokes within you.

At first, it’s likely that the process of doing readings might feel clunky, slow, forced, definitely not ~magic~! Don’t worry. Don’t give up. Keep doing it. Keep making those mental leaps to interpret the cards you pull against the questions you ask- this is the hard work but the worthwhile work. Over time, you will develop your own quirks, rituals, analysis style, and voice. It truly is a journey worth going on!

BECOME A TAROT READER, 2 week online how to read tarot cards training course with Tarotbella, Good Karma tarot deck creator

BECOME A TAROT READER, 2 week online how to read tarot cards training course with Tarotbella, Good Karma tarot deck creator
Now 87% Off

Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot

Power, Purpose, Practice: Finding Your True Self Through Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot
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