It brings us the greatest pleasure to tell you this life-changing news...the McDonald's breakfast wrap is officially returning to the menu after four years away. Yep, we're still screaming.

The iconic breakfast item, which has longed saved many of us from a horrendous hangover, will be returning in McDonald's restaurants from 7th February and will be served daily from 5am to 11am (you best believe we will be the first in the queue).

Never had the McDonald's breakfast wrap? Well you can expect a pork sausage patty, two round free-range eggs, a slice of bacon, a crispy potato rosti and cheese served in a tortilla wrap with either ketchup or brown sauce. Previously the eggs were folded over in the wrap but they will now be round in it.

The wrap will be available on its own for £4.39 or as part of the breakfast wrap meal which costs £5.89 and also includes a drink and a hash brown.

The return of the wrap comes after years of campaiging from fans for its revival after it was taken off the menu in 2020.

Over the years there's been 22 petitions to bring back the cult item to the menu, with fans often requesting it on McDonald's social media accounts whenever they announce a new menu.

When it was announced the wrap would be returning earlier today (15th January) fans were ecstatic about the news, with one replying to McDonald's post on X (formerly known as Twitter) saying: "You have made my day". While another said,"This is genuinely the best news I’ve heard for a long time," and another hilariously said: "Sod it - booking it off work. See you on the 7th."

Well, we don't need to tell you where we'll be on the 7th February.

Headshot of Lydia Venn
Lydia Venn
Senior Entertainment and Lifestyle Writer

 Lydia Venn is Cosmopolitan UK’s Senior Entertainment and Lifestyle Writer. She covers everything from TV and film, to the latest celebrity news. She also writes across our work/life section regularly creating quizzes, covering exciting new food releases and sharing the latest interior must-haves. In her role she’s interviewed everyone from Margot Robbie to Niall Horan, and her work has appeared on an episode of The Kardashians. After completing a degree in English at the University of Exeter, Lydia moved into fashion journalism, writing for the Daily Express, before working as Features Editor at The Tab, where she spoke on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour and Talk Radio. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of Gilmore Girls and 00s teen movies, and in her free time can be found with a margarita in hand watching the Real Housewives on repeat. Find her on LinkedIn.