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Introducing CaseLines for NH Superior Court

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The NH Superior Court in Grafton and Coos Counties will transition to digital evidence management on June 24th, 2024 and August 19th, 2024. If you participate in evidentiary matters in any of the  Superior Courts and have not yet taken CaseLines training, you are strongly encouraged to do so now. New training dates are available through August  2024 that will be held at specific Superior Court locations.

Now Available! The NH Superior Courts now have email addresses you can direct all your evidence questions to and request access to cases in CaseLines to submit evidence to the Court.  List of Court Evidence Email Addresses 

Coming Soon: CaseLines is getting a new name and a new look! CaseLines will transition to Case Center in the coming months. Thomson Reuters has provided informational slides within CaseLines that should appear when you enter our site. We will post further information on the timeline of these changes and any additional training opportunities regarding these updates in the very near future.

New Hampshire Superior Court launches CaseLines Digital Evidence Center

A new Digital Evidence Management Platform

The New Hampshire Superior Court is bringing digital evidence to all Superior Court civil and criminal cases to expand its electronic filing services. CaseLines Digital Evidence Center (“CaseLines”), a Thomson Reuters product, is a cloud-based court exhibit and evidence management application. Judges, court staff, attorneys, self-represented litigants (SRLs), and other justice partners will be trained to upload, submit, and present evidence in the courtroom during trials and evidentiary hearings. CaseLines will allow New Hampshire to expedite court services and offer constituents more efficient and timely access to justice.


Litigators requested that the court include exhibits in the otherwise fully electronic case file. The NH Superior Court has responded by implementing CaseLines – a state-of-the-art digital evidence center that extends the NH Superior Court’s commitment to technology innovation in the courtroom.

What CaseLines Can Do!

Attorneys and SRLs can leverage CaseLines exhibit management software to organize, annotate, and present all types of evidence in both civil and criminal cases. Efficient exhibit communication driven by CaseLines is expected to support speedier hearings and reduce workload.

CaseLines Benefits

  • All evidence/exhibits are easily accessible online
  • Sharing exhibits with practice administrators, opposing counsel, and the court is easy
  • Evidence viewing equipment provided by the court
  • Extensive exhibit management tools are available to all litigators
  • Mobile access: Easily obtain smartphone exhibits from clients and other case parties

Updates on the CaseLines Pilot

The CaseLines Digital Evidence Management project will roll out in two phases. Phase 1 will exclude jury trials, focusing only on evidentiary hearings and bench trials. Phase 2 will incorporate the jury component. Phase 1 will be implemented one county at a time. Once each county has rolled out Phase 1, Phase 2 will begin with a similar implementation schedule. Rockingham, Strafford, Hillsborough County Superior North and South, Carroll, Merrimack Cheshire, Sullivan, and Belknap Superior Courts have rolled out with Phase 1 with great success. Coos and Grafton Counties will roll out in the Summer of 2024. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates. Judges, litigators, and court staff are learning how to optimize the technology that eliminates burdensome paper copies and facilitates multimedia evidence presentations.

Important note: If you've experienced CaseLines in action, the court would appreciate hearing from you. Please email your observations or questions to [email protected], and staff will respond promptly. Also, don't forget to read CaseLines FAQs From User Feedback and CaseLines Administrative Orders. Attorneys who wish to attend training, please see our training page.

CaseLines Support